Tag Archives: middle class

The Middle Class Vs.The Socialist Agenda – Honor Vs. Horrors (Part IV)

I know – who wants to hear about horrors? But here’s a tip – if we want to AVOID these horrors, we need to know what we are looking for, right?

For this reason, let’s lay out the  facts here.

Nearly all of the middle class people of America (along with most other social classes) desire and require peace and safety. This means that our country must provide law and order to meet this need. All USA citizens, regardless of economic class, were given individual liberty by God, which is written out in our Constitution (which has been increasingly eroded through many years).

We focus this article primarily on the middle class, because the middle class is the economic backbone of any society. Here is what the middle class wants (do you find yourself in this list?):

  • Opportunity, in choice of labor, jobs, how to spend free time… in all of life.
  • Clear opportunities to better themselves financially and socially
  • Trustworthy leaders who are transparent, have their best interests at heart, and appreciate the common person
  • They want a single system of justice – not justice for a few, but justice for all!
  • They thrive under capitalism, which gives choices and variety in life (this must be ongoing).
  • They seek ways to improve income, climb the financial ladder honestly, and want to be respected for their hard work and expertise.
  • Perhaps, most importantly, they value dignity and self-worth in their jobs, careers and callings, whatever they may be.  These items are achievable if the Constitution of the USA is followed.
  • The middle class seeks fairness and common sense in governing.

Now Let’s Consider Socialism and How it Works

The truth is, socialism does not and cannot give the middle class ANY of the above reasonable values and opportunities. Why not?

Well, simply because history shows us repeatedly that the tenets of socialism despise the middle class of any county.  And why is that, you ask?

It is because socialism despises individual liberty and cannot allow it… because they CANNOT CONTROL a group of people who value individual liberty, honor God, honor their country. Socialism is about control of your life under their leadership… socialism hates God, and does not honor what God has done with the USA and its people. Socialists hate a booming economy, because people are not inclined to buy into their lies nearly as much if things are progressing well economically as well as in their personal lives.

Socialism is About Power and Control of all classes of people, but especially of the middle class (the backbone of most countries).

Socialism hates (and censors whenever possible) everyone who disagrees with any premise of theirs, whatsoever. Personal freedom is a threat, and cannot be allowed under socialism.

They also hate the idea that the common man should have any benefits not “granted” to them by socialist leaders or lawmakers who act as if they are tossing them an occasional bone, so to speak – as if the perks of freedom can only be granted in minor instances with their “permission”.

* Illustrating socialism and its methods can be likened to feeding a dog…Never give him (the dog) enough to eat. The dog keeps coming back, because he either accepts semi-starvation or he runs away. But where can he go? Those entrapped in socialism have few options left.

Fortunately, we were created as humans, not dogs, yet getting out of bad circumstances is never easy. We were lied to – deceptively and repeatedly for many, many years, or we would not be in the mess we are in now. Daily on the news the exposure of the radical left doctrines seeps out – even with the heavy censorship going on in big tech.

But… we have God on our side, and if we unite and stand up together, the freedom-stealing minority of power-hungry elites won’t stand a chance!!

Are you willing and brash enough to fight and win? I am!

Where we go one, we go all.

Part I: The Constitution of the USA

Part II: Individual Liberty

Part III: Classic Examples of Socialists’ Follies

The Middle Class: Who, What, Why?

This is Part II of our discussion of the Middle Class . Click here for Part I.

The most important class of any country is the middle class of that country. Here’s where history becomes very interesting. Did you know that most countries do not have a middle class? Well what classes of people DO they have? And what does this tell you about such countries?

Almost, if not all countries without a middle class have 2 classes of people. Of course, there are many countries in the world and many variations in government style. The rich and the poor are the 2 classes of people you will find in many other nations besides ours, in the U.S.A.

Unfortunately, classes of people are usually made on the basis of the money they make and have acquired. This is not a very good system. But it has been used for decades. Most countries have a poor class and a rich class – the rich class, of course, is also the ruling class. There is very little in between.

What Kind of Country Has No Middle Class?

Why, every authoritarian country, be it socialist, communist, marxist, absolutist, or whatever. There is no middle class, only the poor. In such an arrangement, the rulers have little to fear regarding uprisings against the government elite – the high and lofty self-anointed ones!!  The poor class is pretty much reigned in by the ruling class. There is very little chance for advancement in money, prestige, or opportunity.

Anytime you are told of a country without a middle class, you should know immediately that you are dealing with some form of dictatorship. No exceptions.

Middle Class America

The middle class is the most important class in the country of the U.S.A. Why? Because it is by far the largest segment of the population and so it follows, it should be the most important.

I observe the USA to have 3 classes of people (financially). The poor, who could be subdivided perhaps, the middle class, and the rich and famous!

If I may speculate as to the earnings of the poor, I would say $20,000 per year in income, and for many, much less. The normally accepted earnings of the middle class would perhaps go up to $800,000 – pretty high for most in this range. Then the rich class would increase in earnings to the millions or more – from about the $800,000 range.

Which Class in the U.S.A. has the Largest Voting Bloc?

Which class garners the most votes cast?  You guessed it – the middle class.

Which class thinks they know more about running the country than the middle class? (The elite ruling class – of course!)

And where do many great ideas come from that benefit everyone – where but from the middle class?

Now please understand my point:

Which class must be controlled at all costs by the country’s rulers (in our country currently, the socialists)?

Why, the middle class of the country must be controlled by the corrupt elites, NO DOUBT ABOUT IT!

A class of people that is severely and harshly ruled over, always has fewer freedoms. ALWAYS!!

Do you have more or less freedom than you did even a year ago? They don’t want you to realize they are targeting the middle class to move them to the poor class so they can clamp down even more on their unconstitutional power grab. Awake yet?

YET – the middle class has enough people to cause dictators some serious trouble – should they decide to stand together against the tyranny!  Let Freedom Ring!

Middle Class America: What Do They Want?

This blog post will refer specifically, to the middle class of the U.S.A.  Few other countries can even claim a middle class. This is how and why mankind has seen dictator after dictator in his or her country.

The goal of every would-be dictator is to take over the middle class of his or her particular country. Because, if the middle class is not controlled, their leadership will soon be over.

The Desires of the Middle Class

The middle class of America is a very broad and comprehensive group. They are also an understanding group, and sharp as well. It is by FAR the largest segment of the U.S. population.

Here are their needs and desires:

  • A government that operates in, and promotes, individual liberty, and will see to it that the people have the same liberty
  • A caring attitude by elected officials towards its people in all things
  • Lower taxes
  • Booming economy
  • Good jobs and good wages
  • Expansion of varieties of opportunities
  • Observation of the Rule of Law, which ensures law and order, peace and safety
  • Sensible immigration policy (currently nonexistent under Biden)
  • Fairness toward all
  • Religious freedom
  • 2nd Amendment rights (not nibbling towards confiscation as Biden is doing)
  • Reigning in of unfair advantages of large corporations and entities which currently exercise too many rights that are denied to the common American citizen

Part II of this topic will dive more into what and who the Middle Class is, and why they are essential to a country with a thriving economy and why, in the case of the U.S.A., they are the essential Guardians of Freedom.

Middle Class Part II: Who, What, Why?