Monthly Archives: April 2021

What is the Constitution for the United States of America? (Part I)

This might sound like a simple question – but the answer is that, apart from the living Word of God, this may be the most important document on earth.

The Constitution is the body of laws of our USA country. In simple language, it gives legal authority to all citizens of the United States of America to possess certain rights that cannot be ignored, changed or modified. It gives a citizen the right to pursue anything within the law of the land… so long as this does not interfere with these same rights for any other citizen.

This is not a blank check. Its limitations are its checks and balances.

Our Constitution is Unique and Sacred

Yes, our Constitution, although often not correctly interpreted, is both sacred and unique.

Its origin came from the Declaration of Independence, which states that all men are created equal. This declared fact is authorized by GOD HIMSELF, as natural law, which came from God, the Creator of us all.

Without a doubt, this Declaration stresses that ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL (meaning equal in the eyes of God and of government). It also states that we, as people, are endowed by God  with certain unalienable rightsthat among these rights are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

The Declaration goes on to say that… to ensure these rights, governments are instituted among men… deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.

It is obvious from the above statement that citizens under the Constitution are not to be governed by whim, or by any authoritarian actions of our leaders (elected or unelected). Those who represent us are to be cautious that they have our best interests at heart, AND that they are following our Founding Documents and preserving our freedoms, as outlined therein.

What Part Does Individual Liberty  Play?

If or when measures are put into process (or “laws” passed) which dilute the individual liberty, or individual rights of a citizen – whether one or many – these actions are AGAINST our Constitution, and take us, the people, away from our Constitutional guarantee of individual liberty.

Throughout the course of many years – and especially the last 12 years or so, we have seen a serious drift away from our Constitution which is – to this day – creating a climate of restricted liberty for each citizen.

Although much progress was made in the past 4 years to restore individual liberty (particularly compared to the previous 8+ years of losses), we still have a long way to go. Under the current “administration”, the country appears to be headed, sadly, to authoritarian socialism at BEST.

It only takes a brief look at history to see that too much power in the hands of a central government always shrinks the scope of individual freedom. 

We need to return to the way our Founding Fathers set up our nation and adhere to our original governing principles. Only then will we have a government operating which is “by the people and for the people”, “under God”, and “with liberty and justice for all.” 

Part II: Individual Liberty

Part III: Classic Examples of Socialists’ Follies

Part IV: Middle Class Vs Socialist Agenda

How Individual Liberty is Taken Away: Death by Degrees (Part II)

Few people who have not studied the history of the USA on a continual basis or observed the government slide over many years… few can fully realize how much freedom has already been taken away from us.

I want to brutally frank here, but also fair in my assessments.

Since I am a WWII Navy Veteran (soon to be 95 years of age), I have witnessed a lot, and been through a lot. I honestly believe I have important insight to add to this conversation – in hopes there will be willing ears to listen before it is too late.

The 3 Major Forms of Government

  1. A Type of Democracy – Usually in the form of a Republic. (Note: NOT referring to the Democrat party)
  2. Communism (China is one example. Typically run by an authoritarian dictator, king, or similar title)
  3. Socialism (which has been gaining a foothold in our country for many years)

Communism and Socialism are both dictatorships once they are established. Socialism has traditionally infiltrated society slowly – seeking to convince by persuasion rather than by force. But, as we have recently witnessed, character assassination, inciting violence, lies and even murder are being employed as an attempt to overthrow the USA into a socialistic regime.

The USA is in a State of Crisis

Our beloved USA is in a crisis today, because the current Democrat party for the most part, is pushing headlong into socialism, and this party (along with plenty of corrupt Republicans and judges) have seemingly succeeded in stealing the 2020 election from the vast majority of Americans who expected their votes to count.

Understanding the Socialist Playbook

It’s important to understand the methods employed to swing a freedom-loving country into a socialist cesspool. We need to understand their playbook – as they have memorized their game plan and use the same tactics repeatedly.

Exactly what methods are used by socialists to gain power in government, or to take power from the people?

It would be a disservice to simply gloss over the tactics used, because the great import of what they are attempting to do to our “land of the free and home of the brave” must not be downplayed.

  1. Socialists lie – repeatedly – even about matters that have already been completely proven false.
  2. Reporters (Main Stream Media) cheat the listeners by reporting incorrectly or, in many cases, refusing to report at all concerning crucial matters in government that directly affect the American people.
  3. They steal votes and elections (this has been occurring for decades) in concert with destroying votes for their opponents – in order to promote themselves to power.
  4. They invent stories about their opponents that are patently false – narratives that paint their opponents as the corrupt ones (this is called “projection”) and often put lives and careers of their opponents in legal and / or physical jeopardy because of the oft-repeated falsehoods.
  5. They feel no need to back up their statements with provable visual or physical evidence of their accusations. In other words, they lie with abandon if it suits their purposes.
  6. They repeat false narratives and lies so often and so long that many decent people begin to believe them.
  7. Their “pie in the sky” promises are absolutely bogus – they have no intention whatsoever of fulfilling them. (Watch how often they “move the goalposts” of their promises to see this in action)
  8. The socialist establishment goes to great pains to brag about their transparency – while in fact, clouding their actions and REFUSING transparency (for example, refusing to go to the border for weeks while innocent children suffer and are prey for traffickers).
  9. Socialists refuse to admit any mistake they have made politically.
  10.  They employ “projection” with great skill – accusing their opponents and anyone who disagrees with their opinions as WRONG, and from which they must save society. (Current widespread censoring is a huge red flag highlighting this tactic)
  11.  Socialists insist that they are very caring people, but, in TRUTH, they care for nothing but political power and lining their own pockets.
  12. They hate the very idea of individual liberty.

Have you heard the famous quote: “Absolute power corrupts absolutely”?  (Lord Acton – 1887)  it is absolute truth! This is why socialism must NEVER be permitted to rule this nation.

It is for this reason that we MUST FIGHT to expose corruption and to return the power to we, the people.

Our Founding Fathers saw this day…and fought, bled and died that we might remain free as God intended.

Let’s make them proud.

Part I: The Constitution of the USA

Part III: Classic Examples of Socialists’ Follies

Part IV: Middle Class Vs. Socialist Agenda

Classic Examples of Socialists’ Follies (Part III)

While touting so-called “benefits” to the way the socialists view the world, is there any true evidence that their opponents are so dangerously misled, as they claim?

I propose that socialism is not to be trusted. Here, I’ll provide a few examples of socialism at work, using the family as the first, and moving on from there.

  1. A family, in this illustration, consists of a husband, wife and 3 children. Is it right for the parents to deny one of their minor children – who disagrees with them on some point – food, opinions, or living options?  Is it right for parents to discriminate against one child because of honest differences in thought?  Is not censoring opposing opinions doing exactly that to freedom-loving Americans?
  2. Now let’s visit our border with Mexico. Thousands upon thousands of people are being encouraged to enter our country…we don’t know who they are, what their intentions are..what illegal drugs some may be smuggling, how many are infected with Covid19 or other illnesses.  Where are the masks and social distancing requirements at the border (put upon the actual citizens of the USA)? Where are the accompanying parents with the flood of children? What laws and safety protocols are being broken and ignored?

The Preamble of the Constitution says: “We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.”

What blessings have been secured in the above situation? Justice?

For WHICH citizens?

Promote the general welfare (by creating more competition for our jobs, inviting in more disease, allowing potential terrorists and human and drug traffickers across the border)?

Provide for the common defense (It doesn’t say against ARMIES)?

What about the peace and safety of law enforcement and border safety agents?

What about the health hazards to those crossing our borders, and to our own USA citizens?

Is it now truly “compassionate” to throw peace and safety, law and order all out the window?


3. Let’s go deeper yet… how would a family of 4, with a 3 bedroom home – how would they fare being forced to take care of 50 -100 other unknown persons being forced onto their property and into their home?  Their tax dollars, loss of freedoms and economic loss all contributes to additional financial strain – in which they are being FORCED to comply – by the unlawful actions at the border. The southern border ALONE presents violation after violation of the Constitution designed to protect our own lawful citizens!  There are not nearly enough border safety officers to stem the massive influx of people entering illegally over our borders.

4. Look at any country where socialism has gained a foothold (Venezuela, for example). After the socialists gain power (by any means necessary), they rapidly move to ignore the needs of the Middle Class (the backbone of the country), cause manufacturing jobs to rapidly vanish, cause economic downturn in the form of income plummeting…until much of the Middle Class become part of the poorer class.  This is their plan.

5. What about the military? They are so badly needed in our current world situation, and yet they become a target under a socialist regime. Look back at the Obama years for a clear picture. The military was downplayed and downgraded to a frightening degree.  Is this also a part of their “plan”?

You cannot raise taxes on the Middle Class and create masses of poorer people without crippling the entire economy… loss of jobs, illegals competing for jobs, lower take-home pay, etc. Is this by design? Think about it.

And did you know that the public cost for each and every person who illegally enters our country will cost the taxpayer (each USA citizen) $80,000 per year? Can you afford that?

How’s that for personal safety, sanity, law and order, common sense, job security, and overall individual liberty?

They are hoping you won’t know what socialism does to the people under its rule. They are hoping you don’t know about countries like Venezuela (which used to be one of the most free and prosperous countries in the world before the socialists took over). They expect their rewriting of history in the public schools to have kept the masses in ignorance so that they      can continue to offer sweet platitudes while stealing your bed from under you. 

                     And stealing the future and hope of your children and grandchildren.

Perhaps, worst of all about the socialist agenda, is that the small, ruling group care NOTHING about the Constitution, jobs, decent living conditions, or order, peace and protection for any lawful USA citizen. Individual rights under such an administration (as we are seeing) may be all gone within 6 months or so, and we, as law-abiding citizens are simply supposed to submit and act like we like it??

CITIZENS OF THE United States of America – it is time to WAKE UP!!

It’s time to take whatever lawful and legal measures we have and RISE UP against the criminal takeover of the socialists… Our Founding Fathers fought and died to give us our freedom and we must now stand up to ensure this freedom for our children, grandchildren and future generations!

I can assure you – I will be a part of this freedom movement!

Can I count on you to join me and so many others?

The time is NOW. God bless our efforts, and God Bless America!

Part I: What is the Constitution of the USA? 

Part II: Individual Liberty

Part IV: Middle Class Vs. Socialist Agenda