Monthly Archives: February 2016

What Is Wrong With the National News Media?

Now what do I mean by the national news media? I simply mean the TV newscasters, the writings and editorials of the nationally known newspapers and other publications, and any and all news that is covered by them, by whatever means.

Not all national news media entities are guilty of what most are. Most are guilty of treason – because of their Socialistic/Communistic views and news conclusions. Oh, but you say…”Free Speech!!”  Yes, Free Speech!! But there comes a time when the limits of Free speech have been exceeded and damage has been done to a free country and a free people. And by free, I mean FREE, but subject to the laws of decency and common sense, AND – NOW GET THIS – subject to the laws governing a free people, and the greatest country on earth.

Is it wrong for a news entity to lift up principles contrary to those which made this country great? Yes, indeed, it is. And, Free Speech cannot be used to justify such an approach.

Now, you may say, “In what way does this national news media tear down the principles that made this country great?” Simply by making fun of every principle of conservatism, and bashing all conservative people and movements, and automatically consigning all conservatives to the bottom of the trash can!! And they are also intolerant of Christians in a big way! Is not the Christian way of life part of religious freedom? You would not know this by looking at some of the slanderous and negative cartoons bashing Christians and Christian behavior. I have had personal experience with this – with local newspapers even. It is shameful. But it shows you, or should show you, that the national news media in great part hates what you believe and tries to limit your voice and reason.

Now one could say – who or what is behind the record of the Socialistic national news media? I have heard that only billionaires can afford to own and operate national news media, be it spoken or written, I cannot say that is so, because I don’t know.

This much I do know – policies of business, news or otherwise, filters down from the very top to the very bottom, as to those involved as overseers, employees, etc. The more powerful and the more determined those at the top are, the more likely is the social message to go along and agree with those at the top. It is inevitable that the stronger the message from the owners and managers, the more likely that employees in the middle or near the bottom of the list had better agree or get out.

So, I have every right to assume that the prevailing social and political attitude at the top is what comes out of the horn at the bottom.

Now, it is probably true that many newspapers or TV stations are motivated by sensational headlines, bizarre happenings, etc. But when their news is stuffed full of talk that downgrades America, I believe we must draw the line. Except for Fox News and maybe a few others, there is no conservative message for the citizen of the U.S.A. All of us are daily bombarded with facts that are often twisted, truth that is omitted, and a heavy drumming against conservatives that defies common sense.

Character assassination is rampant, opinion is given as fact, and dishonesty abounds, and Socialism at the top it touted as the answer, never mind the facts – that most of Socialism (if not all of it) does not work, has not worked and will not work if a land is to remain free.

Oh, yes, Socialists – be sure to give a free pass to all the liberal leaders – why it’s the fault of George W. Bush, Herbert Hoover, or Abe Lincoln!! The present government under Barack Obama has more buddies that you can count who won’t be subject to the same laws as you and I are, if we are the least bit conservative. This has already happened. No Socialist or Communist ever intends to live under the same laws he piles on you and me!!

Now, let’s roll along. What about our allies? What do they think of us? Look at the chances we have had to further our country’s safety – chances blown by those at the top.

Ronald Reagan referred to America, the U.S.A., as the shining city on a hill. We used to be.

But under the Obama government, at least to many of our allies, this shining city on a hill has become “a shanty in old shanty-town”, powered by a 15watt light bulb.

Appeasement of our enemies, lies, hiding the truth, announcing to our enemies when we are pulling our troops out of a country, and trying to make international agreements by giving away the farm in the process – these things are being done.

And, dear friends, our Socialistic news media is praising our leaders at every turn, excusing their behavior, encouraging more Socialism, more dependency of our middle class, trashing those who would speak the truth, villifying the good and excusing the bad.

It is time, true Americans, to show our pride in honesty, respect, truth and openness in government.

You will not mind if I share a story of my wife’s grandfather, on her Dad’s side. He was nearing 90 and a cancer was discovered on one ear. The doctors decided they must cut out this cancer, and they did, leaving a piece out of the affected ear. Grand-Dad Harry Atha, a kind, if crusty gentleman, went to see his doctor for a check-up a few weeks following the surgery. The nurse met with him before the doctor came in, and she, thinking she might have a little fun with Harry, said to him, “Well, Mr. Atha, how do you feel, now that a piece of your ear is gone?” And Harry said, a little gruffly, “Well, if I didn’t have a little bit of pride, I’d be sittin’ along the railroad track, heating up some coffee in a tomato can!”

You know, dear friends, it is time to show some pride in our country, and to endeavor to return our country to the level of pride that honest folks remember. Sadly enough, it will be necessary for each of us who love our country and the principles that made her great, to work tooth and nail to restore her to the sanity of conservative government once again.

Conservatism could be defined in the old way – it could be defined as a system of very few changes, very few improvements. If it ever meant that, it was wrong. It should be defined as adherence to timeless principles of goodness and compassion, which could take a different form, but yet remain honorable, compassionate, common-sense, practical in its solutions, and above all, solutions that preserve and enhance personal liberty and with it, personal responsibility – pride, vision, hard work, visible and practical results that build up mankind, an individual and corporate life. Now show me that Obama’s government shows that!!!

Now, what needs to happen with the national news media – to change or lower their voice, their anti-Christian, anti-common sense, anti-freedom attitude and actions? Simply this: raise up more news media of a positive and anti-Socialistic view, and strengthen Fox News and any other newspaper or medium – support and promote them to the hilt. You may find a lot of small town or medium town newspapers that would be happy for this type of encouragement.

You might think that such an accomplishment would be impossible, but I’ll give you an example. General George Washington’s rag-tag army defeated the British and we became THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!! How seemingly impossible was that??

Now it is possible that severe competition could seriously erode the Socialistic national news media, even to the point of collapse. Also, town meetings, and mid-town soap-boxes could arise all over our country, demanding a quick return to national sanity, and declaring the truth about big government, its excesses and its bad results. I’m ready to be a soap-box orator for individual freedom and responsibility – are you? Those who deal in truth have results to bolster their position. Talk is cheap. Results of the correct programs of government should convince all who can be convinced.

And one other thing – and I speak to myself as well as to all who will listen. Conversion of a Socialistic government to one of common sense, Constitutional law, and maximum individual freedom will take some time. If everyone, or even most of those in favor of that will understand that each person may not achieve quite all of their personal dreams, all motions towards these results should be embraced. There is always room for fine-tuning laws and regulations at a later time.

What could happen to our country, to our individual liberty within law, to our hopes, dreams, financial hopes, etc., if the national news media could be changed to rule of law and common sense in all of their writings and orations? Let me create a scene for you.

Suppose that the national news media was now led by several groups – TV, newspapers, etc., who would invite discussions about government policies – policies that work – to provide jobs, good jobs, hope for the downtrodden, truth and transparency in government.

You might expect truth in reporting, clear and concise facts and almost, above all, reporting that separates facts from opinions. You could expect illuminating speeches and written articles that lift up America, point out the dangers and flaws of big government and Socialism.

Articles would appear in the national news media – articles of praise for Congressmen and other elected officials, who have begun movements towards removing regulations that hamper business growth and startup. There would be encouragement for congressional leaders and members who are striving to re-write our tax laws, laws that punish businesses in the U.S. and cause some to expand oversees, instead.

Oh, this list goes on. What about praise for these lawmakers who have just voted in the 2nd oil pipeline, and are assured that our President will not veto it. You will not achieve this if your president is a Socialist, or worse.
You will love national news articles that point out the dangers of bigger and bigger government, and applaud legislation that reduces the size of our government – and also would remove the snooping and disdain of the government we now have, to one of compassion and dedication to reasonable privacy.

And I would be extremely happy for the news media to report our (now) desire and our progress in once and for all, firmly securing our borders against danger, drugs, criminals, and terrorists. Now to do this, our government had best consult with the governors, mayors, and law enforcers in the regions affected by illegal border crossings. In my type of anti-Socialist government, this would be a given.

Now of course, there would arise the problem of the illegals we already have, what to do with them, how to treat them, as well as not to cheat legal immigrants already doing the right thing. I’m personally struggling with this, and an anti-Socialistic national news media could lead the way for a national discussion and conclusion – giving opinion even if properly offered as opinion, and not being judgmental, because there will be many opinions on this matter.

Moving on, I could see a renewed commitment on the part of a national news media with opinions given about things such as these: our national debt and how best to deal with it. Our present government (Socialist or worse) could not survive if it were a household, big or small.

Next, energy independence, by and by – it can’t happen overnight!   What a role could be played by national news, TV and others if good stories and great ideas would be put forth by the media, stating these ideas and who fostered these ideas. Energy independence could easily become fuel for reporting all good ideas and the why of them, and praise to all who have helped in any way to further each step toward energy independence. As we would proceed toward this goal there should be noted a satisfaction that less and less of our money would be going to countries who hate us.

But let me sound a warning – the U.S.A. does not have a lot of time to right the ship of state. Let me paint you a picture, friends. You can represent the conservative, common sense movement. You are in jail, and the jail door is still unlocked – but Obama and his rat-tailed Socialists are moving toward your cell, and they have the key. They plan to imprison you forever, or shoot you tomorrow. Isn’t it time to take action??

-Composed by Bill Figley (March,2015)
Professional Musician, Student of Government
and of Politics, Navy Veteran W.W.II


One would think it would be utterly ridiculous to even think that the laws of foreign countries should ever be a part of the legal system of the United States of America. I would add to this that “ridiculous” should also apply to any country, province or protectorate of the United States.

Now if a U.S. citizen commits a crime in another country, obviously, he will be and should be subject to the laws of that country. Any attorney helping our citizen will be at a disadvantage in defending any U.S. citizen in such a situation. It cannot be otherwise.

I am greatly concerned when there are rulings by some high-court judges that muddy the legal system here in the U.S.A. There is often a hint (or more) of foreign country law in their pronouncements. The defendant could be a U.S. citizen, or a foreign citizen, or not a citizen of any country. I ask you: WHAT BUSINESS DOES A FOREIGN LAW HAVE IN CASES INVOLVING A CRIME IN THE U.S.A?

 No foreign law should merit or have any authority in the U.S.A. and should not even be allowed as a frame of reference.

Note: How do you think we have remained a free country up until now? It is precisely our laws, rules, and intents of the Constitution, Declaration, and Bill of Rights that have set us apart from other countries and kept us free. Why did we leave England? Why do people from EVERY other country want to come here?

Now, let’s get to the real reason for any of this kind of travesty. Only liberal judges and lawyers would even attempt to bring foreign law into play for a crime committed in our country. In order for either a lawyer or a judge to have this opinion, they would need to violate or ignore the Constitution of the United States.

Dear reader – can you see that violation of our U.S. Constitution would have to take place in order for such a liberal interpretation of the law to be made? The ignoring of our constitution and our Bill of Rights IS and SHOULD BE a federal crime.

If our Constitution and our Bill of Rights, if either is ignored by our legal system, then NO U.S. CITIZEN HAS ANY RIGHTS AT ALL, and our protective laws may be interpreted any way a judge sees fit.

Our Constitution and Bill of Rights are very clear as to their intent, and very little argument can be made even involving states’ rights. The ignoring or manipulating of states’ rights (and thus peoples’ rights) has resulted in Obamacare and in the promoting of rules regarding education that are shameful and unconstitutional. We ought to see, as a free people, what a social and legal disgrace has been created by the liberals, when the federal government intrudes into matters where it lacks the legal right.

Now, returning again to matters of U.S.A. Criminal law, it is now high time for the leaders of the Muslim faith to get very specific and very vocal with their people – to stand up, in public, and proclaim that true Muslims hate and despise the terrorist acts made by ISIS, Al-Qaeda, and any and all hate groups throughout the world, that the actions of such groups are despised and rejected as a way of life, and that Muslims in the U.S.A. have no part or sympathy with such people or movements.

And I will go further. I would challenge Muslims and non-Muslims alike to search out the language and the meaning in the Koran. Does the Koran mean that only those who believe and practice its premises should be allowed to live? If so, then the Koran should be banned in the U.S.A., and it principles ignored and disavowed by all – Muslims and non-Muslims. Anything contrary to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights should be banned because it works against the freedoms to which U.S. citizens are entitled.

Now, I may be criticized for this – but I don’t really care because the truth of any matter always works against those who despise truth.

Many people have certain foreign customs, customs that they love, customs they brought from their country of origin. The question I pose is simply this: if foreign customs and practices are permitted in public, or permitted at all – are these practices allowable under our Constitution, protecting or at least not threatening the rights of others of different religious persuasions?

This is very important. ALL of us came from some other land or country – even the American Indians, who, according to most research, were pretty largely Europeans. (A few tribes were Chinese, Mexican and South American.)

We need to consider what message or messages that public displays of foreign customs send to those of us who do not have or display such customs. This usually involves matters of dress, head-coverings, etc. The Bible has this correct. The Bible says we should avoid doing things that cause others to stray or get the wrong idea about life. It even suggests, as the great Apostle Paul said, that we should sacrifice and take a loss if our actions can be misinterpreted or misunderstood.

Perhaps it may seem harmless to us. But it could cause a weaker person (in the sense of beliefs) to go astray. So, if such be the case, we need to refrain from taking such actions.

This, dear friends, is public awareness, and demands careful thought. All people in the U.S.A., whether legal citizens or not, should be well aware that freedoms for ALL can only be preserved when we do not violate the freedoms of anyone.

I would challenge the leaders of any block of people: BE REAL LEADERS. Study your own customs, and be very careful that public displays of your customs (especially religious customs) do not send the wrong message to others. If there is any question as to implying superiority of your customs’ displays, these displays should be voluntarily discontinued in public.

Since my writing here in this venue is angled towards what I see in some courtrooms today involving Sharia law (maybe tomorrow involving something else), I would urge Muslim leaders and people of Muslim faith to publicly disavow the terrorists who claim that their authority for killing comes from the Koran (or from Mohammed, or anything or anyone else), and the beliefs of these groups which they claim for their actions–their violence and utter disregard for human decency.

These terrorists must be denied and must be condemned by Muslim leaders and those of the Muslim faith. Muslims’ actions must reflect their desire to embrace and to be a part of a free society, here. Freedom for some is NOT the same as freedom for ALL.


I have long pondered this great question in detail. Is there, by any chance at all, a quick and easy marker or guideline to determine, up front, who is fit to serve in government and who is not? Yes, indeed there is.

Now, dear reader, you need to understand a few things very clearly. Your very life, not to mention a decent life, hangs upon this very marked principle.

I am now 89 years old, a Navy veteran of W.W.II and I am a person who greatly desires to leave some legacy from his life which will benefit mankind, and especially U.S. citizens, regardless of age or social standing.

I have practiced two professions – maybe you could say three. Being a registered pharmacist for 30 plus years would be one. Being a rental landlord and business building owner, would be two. And I now am a practicing professional musician. This would be the third profession.

My dad was a career public school teacher and administrator, and he was a bit of a philosopher, as was his own father.

Perhaps I am a bit more of a political thinker than either of them, but considering that the times were different, maybe not.

Our federal government is, frankly, a disaster today – proceeding to marry the citizens of the U.S.A. to a system of Socialism – or worse. We have a president who has exceeded his constitutional authority well exceeding 28 to 30 times, in matters of extreme importance. He has not, and will not, follow the Constitution of our great country, which gives powers to the President, the Congress (both Houses), the states, and the people.

I expect to be challenged here, as to my statements and my conclusions, and I would be glad to be challenged as a younger man, but now – especially as an elderly person – for what I believe and WHY.

Let me review, for each of you readers, a great statement from the Declaration of Independence, a document having equal authority with the Constitution of the United States of America:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident – that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness…that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”

You may see this portion of the Declaration discussed in my writing entitled “Big Government.” In this present article, I am talking about a different aspect of the same thing.

Now please read carefully and understand – any person who does not totally believe that our rights come from God should never be allowed to hold high public office, either federal or state level and maybe not even municipal level. WHY? I know that I will hear that said, maybe shouted!!

And here is my answer to the “WHY.”

Anyone who does not believe that God gives us these rights must believe that someone or some group gave these rights to us. That leaves the obvious conclusion: our rights then, as outlined in the Declaration, are given to us by some person or government official, or group of people. Now, what do we have?

Why, we have the rule of man over our lives. And, what kind of man or what kinds of men do we then have? Men of power, men of influence, men of prestige, men of money and wealth and whatever else men might need to keep themselves in a position of power.

Now God is not about to take away the rights He has given to a people whom He has designed to be free – oh, yes, “we the people” may neglect these rights, or question them (if we are that ignorant), or try to change the meaning of these rights, so as to make them of no effect.

Now I need to remind my readers of something that they may wish to avoid or question. If a person or group of people does not acknowledge God as the giver of these rights, then they believe that our rights come from man – not “any” man or group, but the man or group who now has the rights of all of us in his human hand. It should be an obvious deduction, but I am afraid it has been missed.

Anyone who believes in anything, any premise, any philosophy, will, in his or her position of power, do all in their power to accomplish what THEY believe in.

What one believes, one will try to mold, make, and establish. In the entire history of man, it has never been different. The kindly, the benevolent person tries to establish kindness, in attitude and in deed. The power-grabber, the dictator, the unscrupulous leader will quickly try to act out the things he believes in. And ever so slowly (and sometimes quickly), the leader or leaders in power seek to accomplish what THEY believe in – at the cost of ANYONE standing in their way.

So, in essence, what a person believes, he will try to accomplish and establish. And so, another possibility arises – might such a person use lies, cruelty, abuse, or loss of life against anyone who disagrees with him and his so-called “beliefs?” ABSOLUTELY!!!

You have heard the quotation: “Power corrupts – Absolute Power corrupts absolutely”!!

If we, as a free people (or having once been a free people), expect to regain the God-given freedoms we once had, and retain them, we, therefore, cannot allow people who believe our rights do not come from God to hold any public position of trust – for they who believe our rights come from man will do all in their power to take away our God-given rights and give us the miserable so-called rights of whatever man in power deems necessary to keep us from rebelling.

Now I am not saying that a man who believes our rights come from man and groups of men has no rights and privileges. We would allow him or her to be a decent law-abiding person, good marriage mate, and allowed to bounce grandchildren and great-grandchildren on their knee as often as they wish. But should we allow them to hold high public office?

To do so, we would forfeit our rights to provide fair treatment for everyone and dignity for all deserving of such. We would neglect to follow God’s recipe for successful lives for all and equal opportunity for all.

Now one more thing – being “created equal” does not mean we all have equal mentality or equal abilities. It merely means that our lives are of equal value and of equal importance to God, regardless of our financial or social status. We all should be equal under the law.

We could very likely, in my system, need new political parties, with different names. It would be a very small price to pay. We would have individual freedom within laws that protect everyone.

Shouldn’t this be what the U.S.A. is all about?


Now let’s get to the real heart of the matter and to the heart of the life of citizens of the U.S.A.

NO ONE IN THIS LIFE ON EARTH, NO ONE OR NO GROUP OR ORGANIZATION can get by and accomplish anything good on earth without some rules. Liberals delight in having as few rules as possible, and their rules have to establish and continue their way of life. The rules they hate are any rules that subtract from their authority and/or restrict their control over the lives of others.

It is an awesome responsibility to govern a country. You cannot be fair and have a double standard, that is—one set of rules for those who govern, and a much more harsh set of rules for everyone else.

Now let’s go further. What should our governing rules be? Why, The Constitution of the United States of America – the rules that made this nation the greatest on earth – “the shining city on a hill” – yes, the greatest land of opportunity by far than any other nation on earth.

Why don’t we have this now? What has slowly happened to create joblessness, fewer jobs, fewer decent jobs, huge increase in the size of our government, huge government deficits, with interest payments on borrowed money at a scandalously high level? What has happened to the trust we, as a people, used to have, most of the time, in our elected officials?

Why have we allowed the opinions of some to nullify the religious rights of other people, and claim unfairness and tragedy if Christian beliefs, symbols and customs are allowed to express not only Christian beliefs, but traditional American values – values that have been part of the American heritage for years and years?

The answer is very simple, folks. We have two political parties in the U.S.A. who have completely opposite views of politics and religion.

The Republican Party, in general, believes in the sanctity of human life, freedom of religion, the sanctity of traditional marriage (one man and one woman), limited government, responsible government, balanced budgets, reductions in federal spending and handouts, the elimination of unelected officials, as is being carried out today (unelected officials: people with no names and no faces, running our lives).

The Republican Party, in general, believes in a government and in government officials who are honest, who don’t lie, and don’t cover up the truth about what happens under their direction.

Now let’s look at the present Democratic Party. In general, democrats believe in abortion on demand, homosexuality and lesbianism, and other perversions of human relations. They definitely believe in larger and more intrusive government – at the top. They believe in unlimited federal spending for Socialistic causes, a weaker military force, and as little government accountability as it is possible to have, and dishonesty in high places. (as evidenced by the continued having-to-resign-because-I-got-caught-doing-something-illegal appointees!!!!)

Now I’m sure, not all democrats, perhaps, want this, but the few who don’t are swimming upstream against the current of the vast majority of their party in these current times.

Also we are seeing, in too many instances, the view that it is o.k. to bash Christianity and its beliefs, but o.k. for every other system of religion to have its say without compromise. Every other view of spirituality and religion will be upheld by the liberals, but the Christian viewpoint is not being protected.


Look at the situation our country is in today, and explain to me, what the liberal, left-wing position of government has done to what used to be the greatest nation on earth.

We are in the job situation we are in because we have a bunch in power who want NO RULES OF CONDUCT, NO ACCOUNTABILITY of GOVERNMENT,and the right to deny God and His influence in our lives, and absolute authority at the top.

I’m not saying that one party is to blame for all of this, but I’m saying, that even if you, the voter, the citizen, don’t care much for any rules of life or government, why is it that we find such a governmental mess, as now? When you have no rules, this is what you get!!

Further than this, the policies of our present government, since 2008, has been to turn our country from a Republic (technically, a Democracy in a Republic) into a Socialistic, semi-Communistic state, appearing very much like those governments our Founding Fathers fled from years ago, when our great country was established.

Does this make any sense to you? If it doesn’t, Dear Friend, YOU are part of the problem, and certainly not part of the solution.

You cannot have true freedom with the degree of joblessness we have today—you cannot have true freedom if you have a government with less and less accountability—less and less caring—less and less common sense—and less and less like the government of our forefathers, where the Constitution provided some rules. It is our departure from the rules that is the cause of our deep problems.

Now, let’s deal with what has been said earlier. A compromise in the House and Senate amounts to a surrender to a Socialistic and irresponsible type of government, that heretofore we have not known. This is why one party doesn’t want to compromise with the liberals and left-wingers – it isn’t a question of a little better way of doing things – it is a question of denying the rules (The Constitution), the great structure that has contributed to every success we have had as a nation.

NO ONE I know of has ever found true success (without hurting others), if they have ignored or denied the basic rules that have made us what we are.

We are aware of the hurt of joblessness, of lack of protection for some of our citizens, of lies and cover-ups. It does not matter which party is in power, which party has violated the basic core beliefs of a true republic – this must end or we will have no country to enjoy, for safety, for accomplishment, for pride, for justice, for fairness.

It is inherently wrong to take from one person and give to another, regardless of “The Greater Good” speeches I have heard. Socialism has been a disaster everywhere it has been practiced. There are no exceptions. When you destroy incentive, you attempt to make everyone alike. This kills a person and a nation.

Everyone who compromises with what is wrong is guilty of being wrong. If we still value a decent country, we cannot compromise with wrong, lest we become part of the wrong.

Each citizen, whether of voting age or not, needs to be part of the solution to our problems, not part of the problems.

Those who preach compromise at any cost are guilty of destroying part of the basics of the best country on earth. There can be NO COMPROMISE with evil, with wrong, with our country’s precious beliefs.

Just look at what is happening in our country – just for a quiet moment, realize that whoever is in charge of our government must mind rules that work, that create jobs, and opportunity, and fairness and dignity.

Our spendthrift leaders have all but bankrupted our country, even now. When is our government going to live under the same financial rules as a household has to? Think about it – don’t let political parties cloud your vision. The only real question for a candidate for office is: WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE?

It would be a big help to many voters if the two great political parties became (ALL) CONSERVATIVE and (ALL) LIBERAL. We would ALL, then, at least know what we have.

Conservatism is and always will be the course of common sense.

Liberalism will always be, in general, anti-religious, power-hungry, less than honest, and by their beliefs, destructive to decent government, to individual liberty and opportunity, and to common sense.

Citizen – Take your choice!! What kind of country and what kind of life will you have??