- First of all, Socialism attempts to re-distribute wealth. What does this actually result in? Why, some of your hard-earned money is given to someone else—and not to anyone of your choice—NO—the government will decide. (And some, if not most of those who decide who gets your money, are unelected people.)
- Socialism destroys initiative (the drive to be better, to succeed, maybe to excel) and limits how far you can rise socially, economically, etc. But you say, “I’ll earn a lot of money, perhaps ” – even if you do, your rise on the economic ladder will be severely limited because government will take from you as much as they want and give to others.
- Socialism puts a heavy limit on success, so that its goal can be achieved. Everybody will be pretty much the same, economically, and you cannot rise very high.
The middle class, then will be pretty much dependent on government promises, some of which may be fulfilled, most will not. But you say, “The middle class is the very foundation of our society.” Not with Socialism. The more dependence the middle class will soon come to expect, the more the middle class will be grounded as to what government will give them, and will allow them to have and to do. - Who gets the money that is jerked away from you and given to others? Those who are poorer and less fortunate. Why, I hear some people say, “That’s Good!” NO, it can’t be because we need everyone to do their share and to have as many opportunities as possible. What happens when too many people are dependent on government for their living? A Dependent State is created, and there are fewer and fewer who are paying more and more taxes.
- Then what happens? Why, look around you! There is too much dependence on central government now, let alone in the future. Government will borrow more and more money—and fewer and fewer people will be able to fund the BIG BLOATED GOVERNMENT. Eventually, this kind of government will collapse and go bankrupt.
- Now let’s consider something else. Those in power and control of the central government cannot and will not live under the same set of rules as the rest of us.
How do I know that? Because not only has it been proven by every Socialistic nation on earth, it is already being practiced by this government of ours—and I can prove it. You see, that’s one of Socialiam’s goals—two sets of rules: one for those in charge; and another for the wage-earner and tax payer. - Now let’s go further down this road! The following statement is terrible, but true. And it is up to those who disagree to prove that these observations are wrong. “Oh, such and such a law, or action, is for the greater good!!” What a blatant lie! It is never correct to sacrifice one person to benefit another except in war—and then, there is usually some agreement on the part of the one making the sacrifice, that he or she is risking life and limb for others. There is a a distinct difference here.
- Now let’s move onward still. There is mounting evidence, and damning evidence that Obamacare is gutting the rights of people to make their own health decisions, and causing many to give up trying to get decent health coverage. And I mean millions—not just a few. Who are the architects of this monstrous, disastrous law? The Democratic Party and the left-wing Socialists, who have perhaps, up to this time, not really impressed people with their real goals. But now they are apparent. (I could readily have predicted this kind of power play.
- An individual doing anything like this would be prosecuted, convicted and tossed into prison forever and ever. Amen!! Is there any real hope of converting these Socialists and left-wing liberals to a more sane type of government? Sadly—NO!!! This has been shown by the answers and deviousness of so many, on the talk and informational shows on TV. Any person who will not give a direct answer to a political, judicial, legal, or moral question, when asked, is not to be trusted nor followed. And this would include any government official or spokesperson who repeatedly begins to answer your direct question with a slam against someone else, a former official, a former leader or President, or an excuse that the question you asked is too complex to give an answer about, and that those in charge are “working on the problem”.
Also, all such left-wingers and officials who try to get by on their name or position instead of their actions, should be condemned publicly for what they are. - Now to sum up, I will ask a question of any reader or seeking person—is this the kind of government you want?Is this the form of government our Founding Fathers gave us? A government of Socialism and middle class destruction?
What kinds of government did our Founding Fathers come from in Europe? Governments of Socialism and dictatorship? Or of freedom within reasonable laws?They came from tyranny! Why on earth would they establish tyranny here? They already came out of that!
No, Dear Reader—put aside your dreams of a better tomorrow. Forget that our country has a Constitution from way back, whose principles, when followed, created the best country on the face of the earth. Oh, we still have our Constitution—yes, but it is being modified, vilified and ignored by the people we elected. By your vote, brand the Socialists and left-wingers’ actions as Un-AMERICAN and VOTE them OUT—then invite them to leave our country for a Socialistic nation like they are trying to establish here!!