Monthly Archives: May 2024

Wake Up, America!

wake up america, socialism, racismI will touch on a number of areas in this article in which a wake-up call is sorely needed and long overdue. I encourage you to read it all, resolve to make a difference while you can, and share your resolve with others!

Wake Up To Individual Responsibility

Let’s talk first about you as an individual. The 8 years under Barack Obama saw a drastic decline in jobs and a plummeting economy. Many even gave up the search for jobs and struggled to survive on government welfare. But our country is changing now. It’s a new day!

So why worry about what someone else has? You can now choose to use your time and energy to help yourself. If you need a job, try to qualify for some available job, or learn where you can get the training you need for that job as well as any job you might be considering. There are vocational schools, and job training schools, and some companies may even offer on-the-job training. Do what you have to do to become a productive citizen and job holder. Your self-worth and human dignity will have a chance to skyrocket! And above all, quit thinking of yourself as a victim!

Now, welfare is often needed for a time. But don’t depend upon welfare any longer than necessary. Your achievement level, and your self-worth suffer if you are jobless. A lack of self-worth (dignity) for a long period of time can lead to big trouble and poor judgement.

What is Racism?

Our country and its people are being bombarded too many cries of racism from too many people!  We need to define racism and define it correctly.

True racism should be defined as prejudiced or actions against a person based entirely on their race, color, ethnicity, or religion. This is wrong. Our Constitution declares this.

But there is a huge difference when the opinions and actions of any person violates the guaranteed rights and freedoms of another. Then it is not a matter of race, but of the violation of the human rights of another.

I am hearing loudly from too many people who falsely accuse others of racism, when the person being accused simply holds a different opinion from someone else. A difference of opinion does not constitute racism. And yet the Democrats Socialists, in an illegal and immoral manner, accuse those who politically disagree with them as being racist. This can never be acceptable in our country.

Any person who falsely accuses another of racism had better have proof – and the radical cries of racism I’ve heard all over the news lately are lacking that proof, in my opinion.

What is True Freedom?

Part of our American system is freedom within the law – freedom to think differently… But always to guarantee individual rights of others… staying within the nation’s Freedom Clause. Our laws, our Constitution, is the means by which all can have freedom, not just some.

Our Constitution guarantees freedom for all. When our country’s laws are broken by unfair cries of racism, then no one has any freedom of speech. Is our system perfect? No… But it isn’t perfect because people aren’t perfect. There has been only one perfect man who walked on earth… Jesus Christ… And they crucified him!!

When have we ever heard of a country with a dictator or King who guaranteed to each of its citizens peace and safety, the right to promote themselves, to raise their position financially, to have free speech, to have opportunity, to pass on to their children their possessions? We will come, full circle, back to the United States of America. Even the so-called democracies, as few as they are, are not the USA.

How did our country arrive at greatness? By promoting freedom within the laws!

Where Do Communism and Socialism Lead?

Socialism and Communism (Russian type) arrive at the same destination, once established. Big government, a ruling Elite, and a massive number of people in poverty, without most freedoms and without much hope.

I have a message for the Socialists of this country: the common people have finally figured out that the purpose of Socialism is to establish a ruling Elite, with a power structure that the common people cannot be a part of… Such a power structure promotes big government, very limited accountability, and the lowest level of freedom possible without an outright rebellion.

During the Obama years, job losses and manufacturing losses were very costly. This is what Socialism does, although there can be other factors as well. With Socialism at its peak, the common man has little hope. Just look at Venezuela today. Hyperinflation continues to run rampant, people are literally starving, and there are open, violent rebellions throughout the country.  Many are trying to escape the borders to another country where they hope to discover less horror than the reality they are facing in their homeland. This, my friend, is a snapshot of where Socialism will lead us.

President Trump may have caught the downturn in time. With Socialism, the common man can have no real hope. Socialism will never abandon big government and the return to the principles that made our country great.

Voters, Awake!

Lovers of freedom and opportunity for all; don’t vote for those whose party has specialized in empty and broken promises for decades. Find out exactly what candidates for office believe and why… And be aware that Socialism cannot possibly solve any government problem.

Scandal in High Places

We are uncovering perhaps the biggest government scandal of all times, wrongdoing by high government officials in the FBI and Department of Justice. Socialism has long tried to trash democracy and fair play, and election of Socialists can only lead to an absolute dictatorship.

After all, if you can’t trust your justice department to be impartial, then who can you trust?

The Left (liberals, Socialists and others) have also embraced violence in civil matters and have turned a blind eye to anarchism when it has served their selfish purposes. And the terms that Socialists have called honest citizens… racists, hate mongers, xenophobes, islamophobes, etc. do not befit honest members of society.

Don’t be fooled by their “new” name – Progressives – which sounds so forward thinking and benign. This is the current Democratic party – radical in their leanings and intent on regaining power and putting us back under poverty and dependence on big government.  My friends, the end result will be nothing short of disaster and loss of your freedoms, higher taxes, fewer jobs and severely restricted freedom of speech.

What is really happening is this… The Trump haters, Socialists, and the lawbreakers throw accusation with these false and hateful names, towards anyone who disagrees with the Socialist’s position. And they will attempt to demonize anyone who disagrees.

I have never been one to state an idea without a complete picture of my belief and why I feel the way I do! The Socialists I have observed avoid all such reason. They will deny, blame, lie, cheat and steal to deceive, instead of simply giving an honest answer.

Let Me Be Clear

I do not say that all who have a liberal point of view on any number of issues agree with the Socialistic position. What I AM saying is that the current Democratic party has moved radically Left, all the while cloaking their agenda with code words that “sound good”, and are engaging in outright deception to regain control of this country. In case you want to study further, just look up Hillary Clinton’s mentor, Saul Alinsky, and his “Rules for Radicals”. It’s true folks – this is the trail we’ve been going down, and the destination is nothing short of utter chaos and loss of freedoms for the American people.

You Are Never Too Old to Be a Student

I happen to be a student of the Bible. It helps me to explain and understand many things. There are particular phrases in the Bible that are really comparisons and not literal facts. Much of this comes from language interpretation.

Just like in the Bible, one must interpret the true meaning of the statement. Following is an very old truism, not from the Bible, but true nonetheless…  

“He who steals my purse steals trash… But he who steals my good name steals that which not enriches him, but makes me poor, indeed.”

The Left, the Socialists, steal the good name, (or at least attempt to) from all who disagree with them on anything, and give them no chance to explain their position.

In the Bible, Jesus calls out the Scribes and Pharisees for their behavior. Jesus said also, that the Jewish religious leaders washed the outside of the cup and left the inside dirty and filthy. Can you not see, dear reader, a definite resemblance to the behavior of the Socialists, individually and as a group?

Can you also see that calling a particular party (in this case, the Socialist Democrats) out on wrong behavior does not make one worthy of hatred and violence?

Demonize, Discredit and Deny

And now back to the Socialists… Every vile trick known to man has been tried by the Left to discredit and to demonize their enemies – good Americans. I personally saw what Socialism was doing many years ago. Many are just now realizing it. It’s just that too many good, honest people weren’t necessarily students of government back through the years.

It is now time for those who love liberty to see what I see. Socialism is opposed to law and order, to personal freedom, to common sense, and to national security. Socialists do not care about freedom for all. They care about protecting a form of government by an Elite ruling class, that is essentially no better than a third-world dictatorship!! We see, especially of late, the half-truths, lies, made up stories, interconnected wrongdoings, and a swamp-ridden, out-of-control government at the top of some of our agencies. The liberal-left is determined to defy law & order, responsibility and transparency even at the top level of our law enforcement.

I am hoping that we will be seeing the demise of the present Democratic party, with their greedy paws, trying to trash our country’s values. No one’s reputation is safe, no one’s gains in life are applauded, no one can begin to fathom the damage to the American way of life when Socialists are in control. Let me repeat what I have written in prior articles… If you are not safe and secure… You are not free! You can have freedom if you have law and order. If you have no freedom, you have no opportunity, and you have no safety, either.

It’s All About Liberty

A citizen of the USA has a life that is all about liberty. The Revolutionary War won our freedom and loosed us from the shackles of the King of England. You cannot have liberty for all and trash the liberty of some. You cannot have liberty for anyone without laws that cherish liberty for all.

Socialism is not about freedom for all. It is about freedom for self-appointed leaders, and little or nothing but dependence for the rest of us.

As I view TV today and listen to the liberal guests on many programs, the Socialistic response is completely true to form. Socialistic liberals will never answer direct questions. They bring up a whale to hide the hidden deeds of a rat.

The Socialists have taken a wonderful country to the brink of the cliff, ready to be pushed over the edge. Can we forgive them? Yes!! But the laws of our land must stand!! Liberals are guilty of trashing our Constitution and stealing our liberties. Their actions must be punished, regardless of who they are, and what their position is or has been. This includes Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and all other guilty parties. If they are not punished and severely punished, then we will have sent a message to everyone that there is no justice!!

The Ploy to Drop the Hammer

I never realized that the constant hammering of words could perhaps change the meaning of such words in public perception. The Socialist believes that you are racist if in any way you disagree with him. You are the subject to many scandalous names if you dare disagree with a Socialist. They hope by such repetitive hammering to convince others to agree with them on their narcissistic views.

So the Socialists of today are the absolute enemy of truth, freedom, safety, opportunity and well-being. It has become all about freedom for the Socialists and not for anyone else.

You Still Have a Voice – You Still Have a Vote!

The plain truth is that unless the voters of today understand the Socialist agenda and fight against it, our country is lost! And unless the truth and the freedoms of our country are once again taught at an early age, we will be fighting in our streets for our survival and for our national truth.

Dear readers… What truths are you willing to fight for??


Hey, there, Can you see?

By the Dems’ early night

What we solemnly spied

At the “wokeness” last beaming


 With great theft and great harm

They unleashed all their charm –

And our factories and jobs

Disappeared with great alarm;


And the airplanes’ red glare

And the cars everywhere…

Like a thief in the night

Were not found anywhere.

     Hey, Hey does our country’s

     torn flag ever wave?

     O’er the Socialists’ land

     And the home of the slave? 


We must wake up and take our country BACK!!!


By William Figley


U.S. Navy Veteran – WWII


Faith, Family, and Country

Faith, family, and country. In that order? Yes, in that order.

If you are a citizen, and believe in the Constitution of the U.S. and in conservatism and common sense, you are a beloved citizen who can coach others and you can strengthen your country!

faith, family, country

FAITH in God through Jesus Christ, and owning Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior is the first priority.

FAMILY is next. Honor the family. Protect the family. Revere the family as the backbone of your society, and the backbone of any society. I consider husband and wife to be a family. Surely children are welcome, and are both a delight and bring a solemn obligation to teach, coach and provide example.

Next is COUNTRY. Follow the Constitution. Be informed about your leaders, and elect those you have checked out and approved, and see that they perform as they were voted in to do.

You are no doubt wondering about the world as a whole. You are a citizen of the world because you are a human. The physical world should never come before FAITH, FAMILY AND COUNTRY. Your country’s leaders will take care of the world, by first taking care of the country they have vowed to protect.

If you see signs of election fraud, and decisions being made to undermine the Constitution and the freedoms God gave to us as citizens, go back to the first priority. Ask God what you can do to turn things around. Find like-minded people and do what you can,  and above all, pray.

Our actions (or lack of them) will determine the kind of  country and freedoms our children and grandchildren will inherit from us.