As I look back on my very early life, I can now see that I was able to make comparisons between events of the past and of the present – even at a tender age. My ability to do this is much more advanced now than in my earlier life.
There are a few cautions, however, for those who attempt to make historical comparisons.
If anyone dares to make comparisons about people and movements throughout history, he should be aware that any comparison, if carried too far, will usually break down. This does not mean that comparison should not be made – it means only that comparison should be thought of as general and sweeping, even if not exact in every detail.
As we look today at our country and its problems, and look for solutions to these problems, there are hundreds of ideas, and fusions of ideas, that must warrant a closer look. First of all, we need to focus our attention on the founding of our country and on the foresight and brilliance of our Founding Fathers. For this is our country and this is our time, the present.
Ours is the arguably the greatest country in the world – our country is unique in all of world history. When you look at other nations, some with brutal leaders, high-and-mighty dictators, kings and potentates… we cringe at the thought of such a homeland. But where, oh where are the values we hold dear as a country today? Ours is a country where there are laws to protect the innocent, laws of decency, individual liberty and common sense. Yes, and there are even laws and precepts designed to encourage a better life, a peaceful life, and a life that is safe from harm and danger.
I wonder if I could encourage you, my reader, to explore what is happening in our country today? I wonder if I might take you back to Bible days, to days of the Old Testament and the New Testament? In my opinion, Bible events should be viewed as well-established fact. The evidence for the accuracy of Bible history and events cannot be disputed, because history corroborates them.
Here is the question regarding Biblical events – can they be compared to the events in our country today? Are these current events planned by God, or just playing out in mankind’s history – a history which is often repeated? In either situation, if any good or any understanding can come by comparing old Bible days with the present time in our country, it would be good to review and acknowledge these comparisons.
I will, therefore, dear readers, come to the heart of this whole matter…
There is, in my mind, a very definite comparison between our country and the assault on its founding principles and the words and actions of the old Jewish leaders of Bible times against the teachings and the truths which Jesus Christ, the Son of God, taught when he became an adult on this earth.
Today, after 8 miserable years of President Barack Obama and the Democratic political party… there is a movement afoot to discredit the newly elected president, one Donald J. Trump.
I am equating the old Jewish establishment to the Democratic minority, whipped in the 2016 election, but using every possible means to derail, delegitimize the President, and keep the duly elected leader and his administration from restoring to our country its truth, its pledges, and its greatness.
I am not attempting to equate Donald Trump with Jesus Christ, and I will take on anyone in the debate who proposes this. I am saying that it is his message – finally giving to the working people and to the poor and disadvantaged that which their country’s Constitution promises to them.
What exactly does our Constitution say is the complete and sole purpose of our central government? Simply this – and I quote from the Constitution: the duties of the Federal Government:
- Provide for the common defense.
- Promote the general welfare.
- And secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.
So, as in the old Bible days, the Jewish leaders (the establishment of the Jewish religion) tried every way they could imagine to discredit and condemn Jesus Christ and his message.
Today we have the Democratic party and its members, losers in the election of 2016, using their same failed, Socialistic methods to discredit and destroy the message of Donald Trump – whose message, if followed, would restore the blessings of peace and safety to a badly treated middle class as well as all other citizens.
In no way am I comparing Donald Trump to Jesus Christ or his person. But there can be no question about Mr.Trump’s message; restore that which the Democratic Socialist Party has taken from the American people.
Let me emphasize some of the content of Mr. Trump’s message to the forgotten voters: restore lost opportunities and compassion, yes and increased safety, and security. This elected President is making every effort to gain back these lost ideals.
During the eight years of Barack Obama, our former president acted toward the American people as if we were deserving of no better than terrorism and violence demonstrating a true lack of compassion and and concern for the safety of America’s citizens. According to Barack Obama, misplaced compassion toward people of unknown origin and, even more importantly, unknown intentions was more important than the safety of American citizens, especially the elderly and the disabled. Both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama said that closing our southern border was not “who we are as a nation”. What an utter lie!! Who we are as a nation is certainly the protection of our citizens from harm and danger from the southern border, and from those who would enter our country illegally.
Jesus Christ focused on the obedience of people to God, while the Jewish leaders elevated their own traditions and interpretations and reacted angrily to anyone who would threaten the status quo.
Mr. Trump’s message… To restore the country to one of freedom, opportunity and compassion. This high regard for our own citizens has been met with a fierce opposition from Socialistic anti-Americans, who have tried and are trying to do everything on earth to destroy the American way of life, as outlined by the message of Donald Trump. I hope you readers can see the connection in the comparison – I do!
To further establish the comparison which I have made: the Jewish leaders were angered by anyone who would try who would dare to challenge or to question their authority. And the Socialists of today would do anything (legal or illegal) to stop any person or any message they hate.
The message of Jesus Christ went against the establishment – the Jewish leaders .
The message of Donald Trump goes against the Socialists – the big-government advocates, who have to lie to make their case.
Now the question today is – do we, the people of the USA want those in charge who have an idiotic philosophy, who deal in fantasy, who have dreams of grandeur and who are childish and irresponsible? Do we want these people to interpret our laws – those who outright lie to us and seize power from the people? Do we want this kind of people to rule over us? Or do we want the principles that this country was founded upon, which are just and fair, to be our guide?
The Socialists (the left) are guilty of treason against our country. They have the right to disagree, of course, but they deny the very principles that have made this country great and would thus subject our citizens to a lower (and by far a less-safe) form of life.
But wait – there is more!
Have not the Jewish leaders throughout history resisted the calls of God, resisted His prophets, resisted His will? In any time period, there have been righteous people who have believed the truth – even though their leaders didn’t believe and didn’t obey God’s call, or heed God’s plan. Were there not many prophets of God through the years whose messages from God were ignored and downgraded? Were there not also some, if not many, political leaders of our nation who were elected, but failed to promote the principles that made our country great?
So, maybe it should not be surprising if there should be a Donald J. Trump, wth a message for the common people, with principles promoted which have slipped away from our grasp in recent decades.
Perhaps Donald Trump was raised up by God, and perhaps not. But how can anyone truly argue with the message he brought and the conclusion (changing American lives for the better) that could be realized if these principles were followed?
Students of government, people of common sense and high ideals – listen up!!
You will not find in the Trump message anything that lessens America from what it was intended to be. We can’t allow Socialist anti-Americans, big government advocates and vile freedom haters to prevail – let us go on with freedom within the law, citizen safety, common sense, opportunity and an unbelievable chance to make America great again.
We dare not allow this chance to slip through our fingers. Down with anti-American views and activities – down with lawlessness, down with governmental lies… and up with protection of citizens, promotion of opportunity, and restoration of common sense. Then let’s wait for the blessings to break through.
Right actions will bring right results!!