How Individual Liberty is Taken Away: Death by Degrees (Part II)

Few people who have not studied the history of the USA on a continual basis or observed the government slide over many years… few can fully realize how much freedom has already been taken away from us.

I want to brutally frank here, but also fair in my assessments.

Since I am a WWII Navy Veteran (soon to be 95 years of age), I have witnessed a lot, and been through a lot. I honestly believe I have important insight to add to this conversation – in hopes there will be willing ears to listen before it is too late.

The 3 Major Forms of Government

  1. A Type of Democracy – Usually in the form of a Republic. (Note: NOT referring to the Democrat party)
  2. Communism (China is one example. Typically run by an authoritarian dictator, king, or similar title)
  3. Socialism (which has been gaining a foothold in our country for many years)

Communism and Socialism are both dictatorships once they are established. Socialism has traditionally infiltrated society slowly – seeking to convince by persuasion rather than by force. But, as we have recently witnessed, character assassination, inciting violence, lies and even murder are being employed as an attempt to overthrow the USA into a socialistic regime.

The USA is in a State of Crisis

Our beloved USA is in a crisis today, because the current Democrat party for the most part, is pushing headlong into socialism, and this party (along with plenty of corrupt Republicans and judges) have seemingly succeeded in stealing the 2020 election from the vast majority of Americans who expected their votes to count.

Understanding the Socialist Playbook

It’s important to understand the methods employed to swing a freedom-loving country into a socialist cesspool. We need to understand their playbook – as they have memorized their game plan and use the same tactics repeatedly.

Exactly what methods are used by socialists to gain power in government, or to take power from the people?

It would be a disservice to simply gloss over the tactics used, because the great import of what they are attempting to do to our “land of the free and home of the brave” must not be downplayed.

  1. Socialists lie – repeatedly – even about matters that have already been completely proven false.
  2. Reporters (Main Stream Media) cheat the listeners by reporting incorrectly or, in many cases, refusing to report at all concerning crucial matters in government that directly affect the American people.
  3. They steal votes and elections (this has been occurring for decades) in concert with destroying votes for their opponents – in order to promote themselves to power.
  4. They invent stories about their opponents that are patently false – narratives that paint their opponents as the corrupt ones (this is called “projection”) and often put lives and careers of their opponents in legal and / or physical jeopardy because of the oft-repeated falsehoods.
  5. They feel no need to back up their statements with provable visual or physical evidence of their accusations. In other words, they lie with abandon if it suits their purposes.
  6. They repeat false narratives and lies so often and so long that many decent people begin to believe them.
  7. Their “pie in the sky” promises are absolutely bogus – they have no intention whatsoever of fulfilling them. (Watch how often they “move the goalposts” of their promises to see this in action)
  8. The socialist establishment goes to great pains to brag about their transparency – while in fact, clouding their actions and REFUSING transparency (for example, refusing to go to the border for weeks while innocent children suffer and are prey for traffickers).
  9. Socialists refuse to admit any mistake they have made politically.
  10.  They employ “projection” with great skill – accusing their opponents and anyone who disagrees with their opinions as WRONG, and from which they must save society. (Current widespread censoring is a huge red flag highlighting this tactic)
  11.  Socialists insist that they are very caring people, but, in TRUTH, they care for nothing but political power and lining their own pockets.
  12. They hate the very idea of individual liberty.

Have you heard the famous quote: “Absolute power corrupts absolutely”?  (Lord Acton – 1887)  it is absolute truth! This is why socialism must NEVER be permitted to rule this nation.

It is for this reason that we MUST FIGHT to expose corruption and to return the power to we, the people.

Our Founding Fathers saw this day…and fought, bled and died that we might remain free as God intended.

Let’s make them proud.

Part I: The Constitution of the USA

Part III: Classic Examples of Socialists’ Follies

Part IV: Middle Class Vs. Socialist Agenda

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