Tag Archives: Constitution for the United States of America

Individual Liberty and Its Results – Part II

For Part I of Individual Liberty and Its Results, click here.

Consequences of the Loss of Individual Liberty

Let’s take a look now at something obvious, but often overlooked. If you do not have individual liberty, you will not have any of the extra, spillover benefits that individual liberty provides – and you won’t have a United States of America any longer in that case, either.

Loss of individual liberty changes the kind of country you have into some form of dictatorship – ALWAYS, not maybe. (Just ask Australia, Canada, France, Germany and folks in the states of NY and CA if you wonder if that’s really taking place right now)

What is Lost and Who Loses?

Moving on now – it seems difficult for many people to realize what is lost – and who loses it, when actions against individual liberty are taken. And the corrupt elites are hoping we don’t comprehend it fully until it’s too late!

 1. Illegal Aliens entering our country through our unsecured southern border. They were not invited to enter illegally under President Trump – they were welcome to come in legally and lawfully. Under Biden’s socialist policies, thousands and thousands of illegals are coming into our country as we speak!

Who are these people? What are they bringing in with them? (diseases? drugs? children to traffic?) And how will we – as a people, take care of them?  Whose individual liberty is being taken away by this? Border control agents have been told by government not to arrest these people. Citizens’ rights are being violated, tax-payers in the U.S. will foot the bill.

Where are all the rights of the U.S. citizens? Any and all U.S. citizens lose their law and order, their peace and safety, and their God-given rights!! All citizens’ right are gone!!

2. The Green New Deal

Socialists are trying to set up a throw-back to the Stone Age! They are attempting to ban the combustion engine, oil and gas, cows, cars, trucks and airplanes. Yes, from our own country!

There is no way that our economy, our dollar, our external and internal security can survive under their proposed “New Deal.” It’s actually not new at all. It’s their decades old playbook to crash the economy, force citizens to depend on government handouts to survive, mercilessly raise taxes, and then restrict their freedoms every which way but loose. They want to bring us into their “Great Reset” and run every iota of our lives. Oh, and depopulation is a part of it – easier to control the sheep when the herds are not so large (this is how they view us!!)

Our only hope now, under socialism, is that it can’t happen overnight!

Who Is Affected?

Everyone who lives in our country (and yours). No more country under their “new” ideas. Oh, maybe a bonfire and an empty food plate, but no hope, no dreams, no means to do anything but to die!! How long will it take China to come into our country and claim everything? Are they already buying up U.S. land and controlling large U.S. corporations?  It’s worth doing some research (but don’t accept the mainstream ‘fake news’ to tell you the truth).

No one’s individual rights and means to life can be saved by this horrendous scheme!

3. Raising Taxes

This is certainly one of Biden’s proposals, and a sure thing. It won’t be long before businesses will close or shrink in size, new businesses are discouraged from taking a chance, and more factories will leave the country (again). The standard of living in the U.S.A. will go to zero. Raising taxes on any class of our people, whether lower class, middle class, or wealthy class cannot accomplish anything but dictatorship and loss of life.  (By the way, are income taxes even legal? Now that question is worth some further research!)

Can God in heaven possibly support this?

When individual liberty is gone for all but the ruling few, then life itself is gone for most of us. It is a disaster waiting to happen. Any group or leader who raises taxes, or who talks of doing so is not capable of being in charge of a doghouse in a rainstorm!!

Although some of the rich may survive in such a system, our country will be ruined, as individual liberty is crushed! Virtually all citizens will be losers.

4. Empty Promises

There are two types of empty promises: those that the promisers never intend to keep, and those promises that are impossible to keep. Socialists will give you BOTH of these types!

All dictators make empty promises. They have done so for centuries, somewhere in our world. Socialism promises a utopia for everyone – a country that will be nearly perfect – as long as the dictators are obeyed.

If I may digress a bit – remember the old nursery rhyme – “Simple Simon met a Pie-man going to the Fair.” According to the progression of the rhyme, the Pie-man essentially said: “Show me the color of your money!!”  Remember?

Empty promises produce no money and they take away all that you have, as a citizen. Dear people, socialism doesn’t even recognize what an individual IS, let alone a free individual! Socialism views mankind as “groups” – pleasant little peasant groups who can get along just fine with leadership – AS LONG AS  THEY OBEY.

Here’s a Challenge – Show Me if You Can!

Show me, if you can, how any individual can benefit from empty promises.

If someone says, “Wait a minute!” We don’t know for sure that the kind of government that socialists advocate won’t be better.

My response? Look at history!!

Where in the history of the world has socialism ever produced anything but misery? Give me chapter and verse!

Oddly enough, there is silence – and a squeaky voice that whispers – “Trust me.”

Venezuela did, and look at that country!

(Venezuela used to be one of the richest nations in the world before the socialist takeover of their government in recent years. Now you can find citizens digging through trash trucks looking for a morsel to eat).

When individual liberty is gone, you will have nothing but wreck and ruin, make no mistake. You cannot make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear! 

The very essence of socialism is that it hates individual liberty for anyone but its rulers. 

The Standard of Individual Liberty

Let me finish by saying that individual liberty is the one single thing you MUST have if you are to have a free country. Individual liberty is the only standard you will ever need to judge a law, an amendment to a law, a legal position, or anything important to your life.

So you, as a citizen, a good citizen – must judge everything that appears in your life by one thing only:

How does this thing – this one action – this one thought – affect my individual liberty? 

If you do not have individual liberty guaranteed to you by your government, then you have nothing – you have no country, no personal freedom, and little hope.

God Himself authorized individual liberty through His Holy Word, the Bible, which was then pronounced in the Declaration of Independence and in the Constitution of the United States of America.

Without a loving God, you cannot have anything of importance or value.


Perhaps seeing the world through the filter of individual liberty more clearly has made you aware of your restrictions and the potential corruption of your own government.

I encourage you to embrace the facts, yes. But the TRUTH is that God created you to know Him and be FREE, so that is what you stand for, pray for and speak up for.

The world is waking up. I welcome you to the tribe of the Awakened Warriors. Godspeed.

“If the Son therefore shall make you free, you shall be free indeed.”

(John 8:36)

Why Believe in Jesus Christ? 

What is the Constitution for the United States of America? (Part I)

This might sound like a simple question – but the answer is that, apart from the living Word of God, this may be the most important document on earth.

The Constitution is the body of laws of our USA country. In simple language, it gives legal authority to all citizens of the United States of America to possess certain rights that cannot be ignored, changed or modified. It gives a citizen the right to pursue anything within the law of the land… so long as this does not interfere with these same rights for any other citizen.

This is not a blank check. Its limitations are its checks and balances.

Our Constitution is Unique and Sacred

Yes, our Constitution, although often not correctly interpreted, is both sacred and unique.

Its origin came from the Declaration of Independence, which states that all men are created equal. This declared fact is authorized by GOD HIMSELF, as natural law, which came from God, the Creator of us all.

Without a doubt, this Declaration stresses that ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL (meaning equal in the eyes of God and of government). It also states that we, as people, are endowed by God  with certain unalienable rightsthat among these rights are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

The Declaration goes on to say that… to ensure these rights, governments are instituted among men… deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.

It is obvious from the above statement that citizens under the Constitution are not to be governed by whim, or by any authoritarian actions of our leaders (elected or unelected). Those who represent us are to be cautious that they have our best interests at heart, AND that they are following our Founding Documents and preserving our freedoms, as outlined therein.

What Part Does Individual Liberty  Play?

If or when measures are put into process (or “laws” passed) which dilute the individual liberty, or individual rights of a citizen – whether one or many – these actions are AGAINST our Constitution, and take us, the people, away from our Constitutional guarantee of individual liberty.

Throughout the course of many years – and especially the last 12 years or so, we have seen a serious drift away from our Constitution which is – to this day – creating a climate of restricted liberty for each citizen.

Although much progress was made in the past 4 years to restore individual liberty (particularly compared to the previous 8+ years of losses), we still have a long way to go. Under the current “administration”, the country appears to be headed, sadly, to authoritarian socialism at BEST.

It only takes a brief look at history to see that too much power in the hands of a central government always shrinks the scope of individual freedom. 

We need to return to the way our Founding Fathers set up our nation and adhere to our original governing principles. Only then will we have a government operating which is “by the people and for the people”, “under God”, and “with liberty and justice for all.” 

Part II: Individual Liberty

Part III: Classic Examples of Socialists’ Follies

Part IV: Middle Class Vs Socialist Agenda