Tag Archives: rule of law

Middle Class America: What Do They Want?

This blog post will refer specifically, to the middle class of the U.S.A.  Few other countries can even claim a middle class. This is how and why mankind has seen dictator after dictator in his or her country.

The goal of every would-be dictator is to take over the middle class of his or her particular country. Because, if the middle class is not controlled, their leadership will soon be over.

The Desires of the Middle Class

The middle class of America is a very broad and comprehensive group. They are also an understanding group, and sharp as well. It is by FAR the largest segment of the U.S. population.

Here are their needs and desires:

  • A government that operates in, and promotes, individual liberty, and will see to it that the people have the same liberty
  • A caring attitude by elected officials towards its people in all things
  • Lower taxes
  • Booming economy
  • Good jobs and good wages
  • Expansion of varieties of opportunities
  • Observation of the Rule of Law, which ensures law and order, peace and safety
  • Sensible immigration policy (currently nonexistent under Biden)
  • Fairness toward all
  • Religious freedom
  • 2nd Amendment rights (not nibbling towards confiscation as Biden is doing)
  • Reigning in of unfair advantages of large corporations and entities which currently exercise too many rights that are denied to the common American citizen

Part II of this topic will dive more into what and who the Middle Class is, and why they are essential to a country with a thriving economy and why, in the case of the U.S.A., they are the essential Guardians of Freedom.

Middle Class Part II: Who, What, Why?