Importance of Ideology – (Skin Color Has Nothing to Do With it!)

Ideology is a most important part of one’s personal philosophy, both as an individual and as part of a group. Ideology is perhaps the most DEFINING part of a person’s nature or being. And skin color has NOTHING to do with it!

Ideology and Influence

Ideology may be defined as the deeply held belief of any person. This belief is part and parcel of that person during his entire existence. It can include faith, thoughts, ideals, dreams, likes and dislikes, money and influence – yes, everything about that person that they hold on the inside.

What is inside a person must, at some point, be shown on the outside, or many times their true beliefs or intentions are mistaken by others.

Now, let me be very clear – Ideology has nothing to do with skin color! This is a socialistic lie, that should be thrown out even before it is uttered! Let me explain. Each person has a right to deeply held personal beliefs, which can change or be solidified over time by upbringing, current society, absolute truth (such as the Word of God), or other influences. But the wise person should not allow past experience to necessarily alter their ideology.

Ideology has everything to do with your personal, deeply-held beliefs; your ideology reflects the best in you, past experience or training being only a part of the whole.

People of many racial backgrounds and experiences may have pretty much the same ideology and thoughts about life as you do, and their skin color and past experience is only part of their experience to the present time. As a conservative, I would and do relate strongly to a person with a similar ideology as mine, regardless of skin color.

In fact, I am especially thrilled when a black or brown-skinned person agrees with my thoughts on our country, and the individual liberty that our country’s laws provide. It is certainly not skin color, or even background, that puts a person in any certain category or place in life. It is their ideology (personal beliefs)  that I value. Their skin color does not matter – it is not a negative!

I am not like the socialists, who delight in redefining the meaning of well-established words in order to gain political advantage.

Would I vote for a person of color, regardless of color? ABSOLUTELY! If their ideology aligns with my own, and many do, I would support people of color who run for high office. I can think of a number of people of color right now who would rank high on my list for very high office.

No, dear readers, skin color has no relationship whatsoever to personal ideology. And I am by no means the only person declaring this truth from the beginning.

Socialists are great dividers of people and government, for the purpose of creating chaos in people’s thinking.

Please don’t fall for it. We have a country to save, and the “divide and conquer” mentality is trying to drag us in the wrong direction to destruction. We can refuse to go along for the ride!

Simon, A Tanner

Who is Simon? What is a tanner?

And what does it possibly have to do with life in the 21st century?

I’m glad you asked. Walk with me through the halls of ancient history and discover valuable lessons and observations that will help you navigate through life’s mysteries today.

There are two scripture (Bible) verses about Simon, a tanner, and to all appearances, they pertain to the same time period – one event.

In Acts 9:43, we find these words about the Apostle Peter: “And it came to pass that he (Peter) tarried many days in Joppa with one Simon, a tanner.”

Then in Acts 10:6, which seems to be a short time after, God instructed Cornelius, a centurion of the Italian band, to seek out Peter.  Cornelius was a man who worshipped God. Many men sought after God’s direction who were not Jews.

Cornelius was told by God to seek out a man called Simon, in Joppa (city), and there he, Cornelius, would find Peter.

So in Acts 10:6, we find the following:

(He), Peter lodgeth with one Simon, a tanner, whose house is by the sea side; He shall tell thee what thou oughtest to do.

So – what does this mean? The Bible verse seems to be telling us that Peter has a message for Cornelius. And Cornelius is directed to where Peter is. Is there any significance here concerning Simon the tanner? Yes, indeed!!

Who was Simon, anyway, and what was this all about? 

Now this Simon was a tanner by trade. A tanner was a tradesman who processed animal hides, treated them, and made them into leather. We all know about leather. Today we highly prize articles crafted from leather. We have leather boots, sandals, wallets and purses, and many items of utility in addition to apparel, shoes and personal items. Leather boots remain very popular today, although rather expensive. Leather as a finished product is beautiful, pliable and more durable than many other materials in use today.

Let’s now dig into the treasures beneath the surface of these two brief references of Scripture.

Simon was evidently a follower of God, a Christian (Christ-follower), and he had a successful trade. He dwelt by the seaside.

Why there? Because the foul odor of his trade made Simon (and every other tanner of hides) quite unwelcome anywhere in the city.  By the sea, most of the odor from Simon’s trade would be carried out to sea and dissipated.  Simon was not welcome anywhere in the city. I’m not blaming anyone for that, these were just the facts in those old days.

What can be said about Simon and his trade? His product resulted in good.

      His work was rather thankless and dirty, but the end result was exceptionally useful and highly prized. 

Now, compare Simon as a Christian and God-follower to those of like faith today. The odor of a Christian (meaning the beliefs of the Christian) in today’s society often makes us, the believers, unwelcome in the halls of science, politics, government or philosophy. Out bodies, as believers, do not stink, but our dearly held beliefs certainly stink in the eyes of many.

The weak Christian who says or does little to disrupt the elitist, humanist philosophers of society, the promoters of authoritarian government, are not so likely to be despised as the committed Christian. In their eyes, better that we be neither seen nor heard!

So, we Christians are “Simon the Tanners” in the eyes of the Left – Socialists, Communists, Marxists, and radicals of all stripes.

You may be wondering, just how, in detail, are Christians of today thought of and treated by those who don’t believe as we do? I’m speaking here of committed believers, and even more so about conservative and Constitution-loving Christians.

Why are we hated by the left? Those who aim (even as we speak) to enslave us, along with anyone who disagrees with them?

I propose that those who do NOT believe in radicalism, socialism, communism, etc. are the “TRUE” Simon the Tanners of today.

If You Could Look Through Their Worldview Lens…

We are considered to be dumb and ignorant and incapable of governing ourselves.

We are the smelly Wal-Mart people, the “basket of Deplorables” (Hillary Clinton says). There is no hope for us, because the only people who can rule us (they say) are the people of “science,” understanding, leadership and intelligence (all defined to promote only themselves and their views of the world).

They say the rest of society doesn’t have any of these skills and qualities, so they are incapable  of understanding and knowing what is good for them.

In other words, “You all are dumb sheep!”

A Recurring Biblical Theme? 

I can take you through dozens and dozens of Bible illustrations that mirror Simon the Tanner!

If you miss them, you will miss the many ways in which God operates, and the many lessons in life that you could learn from them to apply to your NOW.

Simon’s Attitude

I don’t see any evidence that Simon the Tanner whined and howled about where he had to live and conduct his trade. I see nothing except his welcoming of the Apostle Peter, who was certainly about the business of God and the spreading of the Gospel.

Simon evidently trusted in God.  He was to tell Peter what to do next.

Note that God didn’t tell a KING to give His message to Peter. He told a TRADESMAN – a man whose very trade was despised by the city people.

David’s Dad

Do you remember Jesse, the father of David? He had 8 sons.

David, the youngest, was assigned the lowest position possible, a shepherd of sheep.  Shepherding was considered (although essential) to be the lowest of the low as far as career paths go. When Samuel, the prophet, came to anoint one of the boys to be the King over Israel, Jesse didn’t even bother to call David from the field! It was only after Samuel asked if he had any more sons, that David was brought before him.  And the rest (as they say) is history!

Now the question is – did any of David’s brothers get to be a King, or ascend to any other position of great importance? If so, the Bible doesn’t record it.

But David’s great faithfulness in doing the task before him with excellence, while loving his sheep and his God, literally promoted him to a Kingship that is considered by many to be the most distinguished in the history of the world!

Job Description of a Shepherd: Would You Apply?

There are many factors involved in caring for sheep that few know about or would even consider (After all, I highly doubt you’ve seen a job advertisement for a shepherd with an enticing benefits package).

Those who kept sheep in the old Bible days, walked with the sheep, slept beside the sheep, were in pastures with the sheep (whether good or bad pastures). And I’m told that shepherds also smelled like the sheep. Literally.

And yet there are still other reasons to downgrade the lowly shepherds of the Bible. They endured heat and cold, they chased after sheep that wandered around aimlessly at times, and had to have the shepherd’s hand of protection lest they get lost and become victims of wolves, bears and lions. David killed his share of ravenous, vicious animals who intended to fleece him of his flock!

Shepherds were not only looked down upon; they often didn’t even have proper home care or even a home environment most of the time. Today, their jobs would be classified as “dirty jobs.”

Are You Unwelcome? Misunderstood?

I believe, quite sadly, that many Christians, as well as those who may not yet be believers in Christ, are living in a world where their beliefs and actions in regards to their fellowman are not welcomed. Their actions are often misunderstood, because too many people live selfish lives.  They fail to recognize truth and those who speak truth.

Of course, we are discovering that many do not want to understand any belief other than their own (even if their belief is authoritarian and makes slaves of all but the ruling elite).

                                 God often conducts His business and His desires for mankind                                           through people of lowly station in this earthly life. 

He does not always trust those with the importance of Kings, etc. God looks on the heart, not the position or the degree. He sees who can be trusted with His plan. His business is entrusted to those who love Him and follow Him.

Are you one of life’s “lowlies?”

You may not be a Simon the Tanner or a Lowly Shepherd Boy, or an overlooked member of society.

But are you reliable and faithful?

If you are, God can use you – perhaps to accomplish great things for His kingdom!

What is the Constitution for the United States of America? (Part I)

This might sound like a simple question – but the answer is that, apart from the living Word of God, this may be the most important document on earth.

The Constitution is the body of laws of our USA country. In simple language, it gives legal authority to all citizens of the United States of America to possess certain rights that cannot be ignored, changed or modified. It gives a citizen the right to pursue anything within the law of the land… so long as this does not interfere with these same rights for any other citizen.

This is not a blank check. Its limitations are its checks and balances.

Our Constitution is Unique and Sacred

Yes, our Constitution, although often not correctly interpreted, is both sacred and unique.

Its origin came from the Declaration of Independence, which states that all men are created equal. This declared fact is authorized by GOD HIMSELF, as natural law, which came from God, the Creator of us all.

Without a doubt, this Declaration stresses that ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL (meaning equal in the eyes of God and of government). It also states that we, as people, are endowed by God  with certain unalienable rightsthat among these rights are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

The Declaration goes on to say that… to ensure these rights, governments are instituted among men… deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.

It is obvious from the above statement that citizens under the Constitution are not to be governed by whim, or by any authoritarian actions of our leaders (elected or unelected). Those who represent us are to be cautious that they have our best interests at heart, AND that they are following our Founding Documents and preserving our freedoms, as outlined therein.

What Part Does Individual Liberty  Play?

If or when measures are put into process (or “laws” passed) which dilute the individual liberty, or individual rights of a citizen – whether one or many – these actions are AGAINST our Constitution, and take us, the people, away from our Constitutional guarantee of individual liberty.

Throughout the course of many years – and especially the last 12 years or so, we have seen a serious drift away from our Constitution which is – to this day – creating a climate of restricted liberty for each citizen.

Although much progress was made in the past 4 years to restore individual liberty (particularly compared to the previous 8+ years of losses), we still have a long way to go. Under the current “administration”, the country appears to be headed, sadly, to authoritarian socialism at BEST.

It only takes a brief look at history to see that too much power in the hands of a central government always shrinks the scope of individual freedom. 

We need to return to the way our Founding Fathers set up our nation and adhere to our original governing principles. Only then will we have a government operating which is “by the people and for the people”, “under God”, and “with liberty and justice for all.” 

Part II: Individual Liberty

Part III: Classic Examples of Socialists’ Follies

Part IV: Middle Class Vs Socialist Agenda

How Individual Liberty is Taken Away: Death by Degrees (Part II)

Few people who have not studied the history of the USA on a continual basis or observed the government slide over many years… few can fully realize how much freedom has already been taken away from us.

I want to brutally frank here, but also fair in my assessments.

Since I am a WWII Navy Veteran (soon to be 95 years of age), I have witnessed a lot, and been through a lot. I honestly believe I have important insight to add to this conversation – in hopes there will be willing ears to listen before it is too late.

The 3 Major Forms of Government

  1. A Type of Democracy – Usually in the form of a Republic. (Note: NOT referring to the Democrat party)
  2. Communism (China is one example. Typically run by an authoritarian dictator, king, or similar title)
  3. Socialism (which has been gaining a foothold in our country for many years)

Communism and Socialism are both dictatorships once they are established. Socialism has traditionally infiltrated society slowly – seeking to convince by persuasion rather than by force. But, as we have recently witnessed, character assassination, inciting violence, lies and even murder are being employed as an attempt to overthrow the USA into a socialistic regime.

The USA is in a State of Crisis

Our beloved USA is in a crisis today, because the current Democrat party for the most part, is pushing headlong into socialism, and this party (along with plenty of corrupt Republicans and judges) have seemingly succeeded in stealing the 2020 election from the vast majority of Americans who expected their votes to count.

Understanding the Socialist Playbook

It’s important to understand the methods employed to swing a freedom-loving country into a socialist cesspool. We need to understand their playbook – as they have memorized their game plan and use the same tactics repeatedly.

Exactly what methods are used by socialists to gain power in government, or to take power from the people?

It would be a disservice to simply gloss over the tactics used, because the great import of what they are attempting to do to our “land of the free and home of the brave” must not be downplayed.

  1. Socialists lie – repeatedly – even about matters that have already been completely proven false.
  2. Reporters (Main Stream Media) cheat the listeners by reporting incorrectly or, in many cases, refusing to report at all concerning crucial matters in government that directly affect the American people.
  3. They steal votes and elections (this has been occurring for decades) in concert with destroying votes for their opponents – in order to promote themselves to power.
  4. They invent stories about their opponents that are patently false – narratives that paint their opponents as the corrupt ones (this is called “projection”) and often put lives and careers of their opponents in legal and / or physical jeopardy because of the oft-repeated falsehoods.
  5. They feel no need to back up their statements with provable visual or physical evidence of their accusations. In other words, they lie with abandon if it suits their purposes.
  6. They repeat false narratives and lies so often and so long that many decent people begin to believe them.
  7. Their “pie in the sky” promises are absolutely bogus – they have no intention whatsoever of fulfilling them. (Watch how often they “move the goalposts” of their promises to see this in action)
  8. The socialist establishment goes to great pains to brag about their transparency – while in fact, clouding their actions and REFUSING transparency (for example, refusing to go to the border for weeks while innocent children suffer and are prey for traffickers).
  9. Socialists refuse to admit any mistake they have made politically.
  10.  They employ “projection” with great skill – accusing their opponents and anyone who disagrees with their opinions as WRONG, and from which they must save society. (Current widespread censoring is a huge red flag highlighting this tactic)
  11.  Socialists insist that they are very caring people, but, in TRUTH, they care for nothing but political power and lining their own pockets.
  12. They hate the very idea of individual liberty.

Have you heard the famous quote: “Absolute power corrupts absolutely”?  (Lord Acton – 1887)  it is absolute truth! This is why socialism must NEVER be permitted to rule this nation.

It is for this reason that we MUST FIGHT to expose corruption and to return the power to we, the people.

Our Founding Fathers saw this day…and fought, bled and died that we might remain free as God intended.

Let’s make them proud.

Part I: The Constitution of the USA

Part III: Classic Examples of Socialists’ Follies

Part IV: Middle Class Vs. Socialist Agenda

Classic Examples of Socialists’ Follies (Part III)

While touting so-called “benefits” to the way the socialists view the world, is there any true evidence that their opponents are so dangerously misled, as they claim?

I propose that socialism is not to be trusted. Here, I’ll provide a few examples of socialism at work, using the family as the first, and moving on from there.

  1. A family, in this illustration, consists of a husband, wife and 3 children. Is it right for the parents to deny one of their minor children – who disagrees with them on some point – food, opinions, or living options?  Is it right for parents to discriminate against one child because of honest differences in thought?  Is not censoring opposing opinions doing exactly that to freedom-loving Americans?
  2. Now let’s visit our border with Mexico. Thousands upon thousands of people are being encouraged to enter our country…we don’t know who they are, what their intentions are..what illegal drugs some may be smuggling, how many are infected with Covid19 or other illnesses.  Where are the masks and social distancing requirements at the border (put upon the actual citizens of the USA)? Where are the accompanying parents with the flood of children? What laws and safety protocols are being broken and ignored?

The Preamble of the Constitution says: “We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.”

What blessings have been secured in the above situation? Justice?

For WHICH citizens?

Promote the general welfare (by creating more competition for our jobs, inviting in more disease, allowing potential terrorists and human and drug traffickers across the border)?

Provide for the common defense (It doesn’t say against ARMIES)?

What about the peace and safety of law enforcement and border safety agents?

What about the health hazards to those crossing our borders, and to our own USA citizens?

Is it now truly “compassionate” to throw peace and safety, law and order all out the window?


3. Let’s go deeper yet… how would a family of 4, with a 3 bedroom home – how would they fare being forced to take care of 50 -100 other unknown persons being forced onto their property and into their home?  Their tax dollars, loss of freedoms and economic loss all contributes to additional financial strain – in which they are being FORCED to comply – by the unlawful actions at the border. The southern border ALONE presents violation after violation of the Constitution designed to protect our own lawful citizens!  There are not nearly enough border safety officers to stem the massive influx of people entering illegally over our borders.

4. Look at any country where socialism has gained a foothold (Venezuela, for example). After the socialists gain power (by any means necessary), they rapidly move to ignore the needs of the Middle Class (the backbone of the country), cause manufacturing jobs to rapidly vanish, cause economic downturn in the form of income plummeting…until much of the Middle Class become part of the poorer class.  This is their plan.

5. What about the military? They are so badly needed in our current world situation, and yet they become a target under a socialist regime. Look back at the Obama years for a clear picture. The military was downplayed and downgraded to a frightening degree.  Is this also a part of their “plan”?

You cannot raise taxes on the Middle Class and create masses of poorer people without crippling the entire economy… loss of jobs, illegals competing for jobs, lower take-home pay, etc. Is this by design? Think about it.

And did you know that the public cost for each and every person who illegally enters our country will cost the taxpayer (each USA citizen) $80,000 per year? Can you afford that?

How’s that for personal safety, sanity, law and order, common sense, job security, and overall individual liberty?

They are hoping you won’t know what socialism does to the people under its rule. They are hoping you don’t know about countries like Venezuela (which used to be one of the most free and prosperous countries in the world before the socialists took over). They expect their rewriting of history in the public schools to have kept the masses in ignorance so that they      can continue to offer sweet platitudes while stealing your bed from under you. 

                     And stealing the future and hope of your children and grandchildren.

Perhaps, worst of all about the socialist agenda, is that the small, ruling group care NOTHING about the Constitution, jobs, decent living conditions, or order, peace and protection for any lawful USA citizen. Individual rights under such an administration (as we are seeing) may be all gone within 6 months or so, and we, as law-abiding citizens are simply supposed to submit and act like we like it??

CITIZENS OF THE United States of America – it is time to WAKE UP!!

It’s time to take whatever lawful and legal measures we have and RISE UP against the criminal takeover of the socialists… Our Founding Fathers fought and died to give us our freedom and we must now stand up to ensure this freedom for our children, grandchildren and future generations!

I can assure you – I will be a part of this freedom movement!

Can I count on you to join me and so many others?

The time is NOW. God bless our efforts, and God Bless America!

Part I: What is the Constitution of the USA? 

Part II: Individual Liberty

Part IV: Middle Class Vs. Socialist Agenda

Government and Freedom

Folks, I’ve said it many times before and it is an absolute tenet of truth: You cannot have the wrong view of government and the correct view of individual liberty.

You see, a government and its leaders must understand and support the facts and the foundations of a government that promotes the rights of individual freedom within the law. Yes, the law must protect everyone.

You cannot have a free country under a system of socialism, where the government is so large and promotes dependency for so many people. Why not?

Because socialism is not sustainable in the long run without taking away much individual liberty from so many.  Oh yes, some may get a free ride from government handouts, but at the loss of much individual freedom.  

There is a great loss of initiative also.

Initiative is defined by a desire and a striving to do better, accomplish more, and to elevate one’s loss of self-worth when depending on a government whose only source of income is punishing taxation and whose only means of survival is lowering the standard of living of everyone to pay for the giveaways.

We, in the USA, have never won a battle with such a system, and we never will.

Show me a poor man who hires thousands of people!! You know it isn’t possible. Then why punish the rich, (or at least the richer people) – who can provide jobs, and in addition to that, dignity and self-fulfillment- and yes, a desire to help others?

Why worry about someone becoming rich, or at least richer than they were, when they, through the taking of risks, can provide decent jobs?

And let me state again – if you have the wrong idea of government, you will automatically have the wrong idea of individual liberty.

If you believe, as you should believe, that our fundamental human rights come from God, you can begin to form a successful form of government and allow people to at least pursue success and happiness.

Our Bill of Rights states this – and this started out to be the correct basis for government and for the human rights of citizens…

“We hold these truths to be self-evident…that all men are created equal…that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unaliaenable rights…that among these rights are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”

Now, I ask you – has this premise been used and promoted under recent US Governments?


And unless and until it is, the ideas of men and not of God will prevail in our society, causing pressure, and lies, and unnatural decisions to be made, and so will cause the loss of freedoms, opportunity, dignity and self-worth for most of us.

For, you see, socialists and worse never intend to live under the same laws they put upon you and me.

Unfortunately, some voters do not trust anyone and they think that nothing can ever change in our government.  I understand that, but I am talking about a system of government that restores freedom, opportunity and hope.  Such a system succeeded under the two-term presidency of Ronald Reagan, which provided smaller government, more jobs, and more freedom for all.  

This system can certainly work again.

It is common sense, or should be, to do certain things.  Yes, within the law, we can do certain things and then expect certain results.  It will happen again if we elect people with the right concept of human government.  

If we don’t, our survival time as a free nation will be very short.

—- Written by William W. Figley, (mid-summer, 2015)

WWII Veteran of the US Navy




I’ve written many articles on Big Government. But here, I want to try to put the most pertinent facts about big government in one place, so that there can be no misunderstandings.

Many people are distrustful of government, of both major political parties. And yet, there are definite distinctions between these parties as to their beliefs and actions.

To me, it is unfair to brand both major parties alike. Since the days of the New Deal and the days of Franklin D. Roosevelt, the Democratic party has developed great movements toward Socialism, and strong tendencies to change or destroy Constitutional rules that would benefit all people. Folks, this is a fact, based upon real historical events of record in our society. For a moment, please, try to view these government tendencies by the facts, rather than by merely believing smooth talking rhetoric or emotion.

The Republican party has definitely tended toward government according to the Founding Fathers and our Constitution, even though far from perfectly at all times (and we see of late that there are also Republicans who will fight to sustain big government and keep the status quo).

Now, the factual difference is simply this: bigger government, Socialism, and veering away from our country’s founding principles is wrong and has never worked. A wise person can surely see that policies which fail should no longer be followed. So that really should, for the time being, send us, as citizens, way beyond just Republican and Democrat.

It will be impossible for me or anyone to cover all the circumstances in one piece of dialogue – but allow me to proceed.

The middle class of the U.S.A. has been profoundly affected (negatively) by the advent of Socialistic and big government tendencies; and, we see today, that lack of good jobs (and good-paying jobs) is one of the sad results. However, all that the public heard from our Socialistic government (under Obama) is that ‘progress is being made’. The Feds even took credit for job creation that their own rules had discouraged; this job creation only came about because of the proactive legislation of a few states.

Let’s define the middle class. Most might say that earnings should define them; however, there are other factors that should be considered. Tops in earnings for a middle class person could be $250,000. That, in my view, would be much higher than a norm or medium income. In addition to income, I would add that most of the middle class has similar characteristics such as the willingness to work hard, risk-taking, and responsibility, and knowing when to take advantage of opportunities, if so presented.

The U.S. Constitution provides (Section 8) that the Congress shall have power to collect taxes, duties, imports and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the U.S. citizens.

Furthermore, the Declaration of Independence, long considered to have equal authority with the Constitution of the United States, says this:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident – that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these rights are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes destruction of these ends, it is the RIGHT of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its power in such form as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.”

Now, let recollect what has happened under Democratic party government whenever the House and Senate had the majority. The Constitutional clause – The General Welfare – has been fundamentally enlarged to the breaking point – by enlarging the central government, and so promoting the monstrosity of big bloated government at the cost of the loss of individual freedom.

big government,2018 midterm electionsLet’s break this down. The bigger your government becomes, the more money is spent, the more government intrudes into your individual life, the more social programs the government creates, and the fewer freedoms each person really has. Why? Because the more government giveaways, the less freedom you have. You are caught up in a vote-buying system which promotes the government giveaways at the expense of individual choice, a direct premise of our Constitution. And be assured – these are not truly “giveaways” – every penny will be sucked from our wallets through increased taxes! All of us ought to cherish individual choice, and the pride and dignity that goes with it.

Now let me just list for you the most, but not all, of the problems of bigger government so that we can clearly see them:

(1) Big government has a definite tendency to become bigger. Those in power have, and certainly enjoy, more and more control over your lives.

(2) Big government must, of necessity, become even larger (and more intrusive into our lives) because it must perpetuate itself, promising more benefits and thus controlling more of your life.

(3) The bigger the government, the more rulers must be in place to manage the affairs of government over your personal life. Obama calls them Czars (a Russian concept), ruling over your affairs – UNELECTED BUREAUCRATS who will do the bidding of big government. Now these UNelected bureaucrats are unknown, unelected, nameless, faceless, unavailable to the public, and unaccountable to the people at large. You cannot know them – you will not know them – because they are part of the bigger government, not the people.

(4) Big government always results in fewer freedoms for the common man, and fewer choices within the few freedoms that remain. Why? Because you, the voter, the common man, are NOT running things any longer.

(5) Big government has to intrude into people’s personal lives – they have no other place to go in order to expand. People may realize some day what has happened and what should be done about it, but such realization often comes too late.

(6) Deficit spending promotes bigger and bigger government, since government giveaways and choosing winners is their strategy- in order to become bigger in influence.

(7) Bigger government denies individual dignity and working towards new accomplishments and a better life. Instead, we have had a middle class that is restricted, downgraded, and literally dared to attempt to rise above – in money, in influence, and in any other way. And furthermore, many of the previously labeled “middle class” are now in the poor class in terms of money and income.

(8) Big government always ends up in involving itself in areas of life where it has no business. The size alone of big government makes such government inefficient in handling such matters.

(9) Big governmenet involves itself in matters which the Constitution proves belong to the states. The people have a much louder voice in matters decided on the state level. States will listen. Big government hasn’t and won’t.

(10) Big government teaches people to be dependent who need not be so. “Oh, dear, good ol’ Uncle Sam will bail us out.” I hear that a lot. Very dependent citizens cannot then individually rise to to the occasion when bad things happen: economic woes, terrorism, overly zealous schemes that go wrong, etc. They sadly put their own well-being in the greedy paws of the government.

(11) Bigger and bigger government will, the long run, collapse under its own weight. Borrowing from China and other nations, puts the person loaning the money (or the country) in a position to demand more in repayment, or to take over parts of our economy.

Now, let us briefly discuss what things central government should be involved in and why, and some of the things that central (Federal Government) should NOT be involved in and why.

Tall order, you say? Not really.

In my considered opinion, government must be responsible for things that people and states should not be involved in. 

Of necessity, Declaration of War or martial law, or any kind of political action involving other countries, and the carrying out of war, if necessary, are jobs belonging to the Federal Government through proper channels provided in our Founding documents.

Protection of our borders – all of our borders – from all enemies and illegal people seeking to enter.

The government must be responsible for laws and regulations that promote the general welfare in this precise fashion: providing for a level playing field for people and businesses, and equal chance to succeed. There can be no exceptions, special favors, or cronyism here.

Government must provide for the most opportunity for individual freedom, an individual pursuit of happiness and gain, and in so doing, employ, employ the fewest regulations possible to ensure safety and fairness.

Keep Out, Big Government!

An example of things the government should stay out of would be education, health services, etc. There are no doubt other areas as well.

The only thing government should do concerning education should be to advocate that the states require the teaching of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence – in all schools.

This latter would insure that our Constitution is upheld, and our country would become and would maintain itself as the finest form of government known to man.

And now, to wind up our message – any type of government that teaches and preaches government dependency beyond that of necessity to help to the sick and disabled is opening the gates of disaster for the individual and the trashing of his God-given rights.

If we elect or allow law-makers, holders of positions of trust, including Senators, Congressmen and Presidents, to practice liberal policies (big government policies), we will have allowed our beloved country to disintegrate and to eventually disappear.

America, the U.S.A., as it was originally, was Constituted to be the best form of government on earth. It can be restored to that again, but time is running out. Will you be part of this great, important, revival – at whatever the cost?

I hope so!! I don’t like saying: “Too late!!”

– Written by Bill Figley,
Professional Musician, Student of Government and of Politics
Navy Veteran W.W. II



Socialism used to be defined as a form of government where everyone’s needs are met and the earned wealth of all is somehow distributed to all. It still is that—but now, in more modern times, it is so much more.


  1. First of all, Socialism attempts to re-distribute wealth. What does this actually result in? Why, some of your hard-earned money is given to someone else—and not to anyone of your choice—NO—the government will decide. (And some, if not most of those who decide who gets your money, are unelected people.)
  2. Socialism destroys initiative (the drive to be better, to succeed, maybe to excel) and limits how far you can rise socially, economically, etc. But you say, “I’ll earn a lot of money, perhaps ” – even if you do, your rise on the economic ladder will be severely limited because government will take from you as much as they want and give to others.
  3. Socialism puts a heavy limit on success, so that its goal can be achieved. Everybody will be pretty much the same, economically, and you cannot rise very high.
    The middle class, then will be pretty much dependent on government promises, some of which may be fulfilled, most will not. But you say, “The middle class is the very foundation of our society.” Not with Socialism. The more dependence the middle class will soon come to expect, the more the middle class will be grounded as to what government will give them, and will allow them to have and to do.
  4. Who gets the money that is jerked away from you and given to others? Those who are poorer and less fortunate. Why, I hear some people say, “That’s Good!” NO, it can’t be because we need everyone to do their share and to have as many opportunities as possible. What happens when too many people are dependent on government for their living? A Dependent State is created, and there are fewer and fewer who are paying more and more taxes.
  5. Then what happens? Why, look around you! There is too much dependence on central government now, let alone in the future. Government will borrow more and more money—and fewer and fewer people will be able to fund the BIG BLOATED GOVERNMENT. Eventually, this kind of government will collapse and go bankrupt.
  6. Now let’s consider something else. Those in power and control of the central government cannot and will not live under the same set of rules as the rest of us.
    How do I know that? Because not only has it been proven by every Socialistic nation on earth, it is already being practiced by this government of ours—and I can prove it. You see, that’s one of Socialiam’s goals—two sets of rules: one for those in charge; and another for the wage-earner and tax payer.
  7. Now let’s go further down this road! The following statement is terrible, but true. And it is up to those who disagree to prove that these observations are wrong. “Oh, such and such a law, or action, is for the greater good!!” What a blatant lie! It is never correct to sacrifice one person to benefit another except in war—and then, there is usually some agreement on the part of the one making the sacrifice, that he or she is risking life and limb for others. There is a a distinct difference here.
  8. Now let’s move onward still. There is mounting evidence, and damning evidence that Obamacare is gutting the rights of people to make their own health decisions, and causing many to give up trying to get decent health coverage. And I mean millions—not just a few. Who are the architects of this monstrous, disastrous law? The Democratic Party and the left-wing Socialists, who have perhaps, up to this time, not really impressed people with their real goals. But now they are apparent. (I could readily have predicted this kind of power play.
  9. An individual doing anything like this would be prosecuted, convicted and tossed into prison forever and ever. Amen!! Is there any real hope of converting these Socialists and left-wing liberals to a more sane type of government? Sadly—NO!!! This has been shown by the answers and deviousness of so many, on the talk and informational shows on TV. Any person who will not give a direct answer to a political, judicial, legal, or moral question, when asked, is not to be trusted nor followed. And this would include any government official or spokesperson who repeatedly begins to answer your direct question with a slam against someone else, a former official, a former leader or President, or an excuse that the question you asked is too complex to give an answer about, and that those in charge are “working on the problem”.
    Also, all such left-wingers and officials who try to get by on their name or position instead of their actions, should be condemned publicly for what they are.
  10. Now to sum up, I will ask a question of any reader or seeking person—is this the kind of government you want?Is this the form of government our Founding Fathers gave us? A government of Socialism and middle class destruction?

    What kinds of government did our Founding Fathers come from in Europe? Governments of Socialism and dictatorship? Or of freedom within reasonable laws?They came from tyranny! Why on earth would they establish tyranny here? They already came out of that!

    No, Dear Reader—put aside your dreams of a better tomorrow. Forget that our country has a Constitution from way back, whose principles, when followed, created the best country on the face of the earth. Oh, we still have our Constitution—yes, but it is being modified, vilified and ignored by the people we elected. By your vote, brand the Socialists and left-wingers’ actions as Un-AMERICAN and VOTE them OUT—then invite them to leave our country for a Socialistic nation like they are trying to establish here!!

Comparisons in History – Hints to Resolving Current Problems?

As I look back on my very early life, I can now see that I was able to make comparisons between events of the past and of the present – even at a tender age. My ability to do this is much more advanced now than in my earlier life.

There are a few cautions, however, for those who attempt to make historical comparisons.

If anyone dares to make comparisons about people and movements throughout history, he should be aware that any comparison, if carried too far, will usually break down. This does not mean that comparison should not be made – it means only that comparison should be thought of as general and sweeping, even if not exact in every detail.

As we look today at our country and its problems, and look for solutions to these problems, there are hundreds of ideas, and fusions of ideas, that must warrant a closer look. First of all, we need to focus our attention on the founding of our country and on the foresight and brilliance of our Founding Fathers. For this is our country and this is our time, the present.

Ours is the arguably the greatest country in the world – our country is unique in all of world history. When you look at other nations, some with brutal leaders, high-and-mighty dictators, kings and potentates… we cringe at the thought of such a homeland. But  where, oh where are the values we hold dear as a country today? Ours is a country where there are laws to protect the innocent, laws of decency, individual liberty and common sense. Yes, and there are even laws and precepts designed to encourage a better life, a peaceful life, and a life that is safe from harm and danger.

I wonder if I could encourage you, my reader, to explore what is happening in our country today? I wonder if I might take you back to Bible days, to days of the Old Testament and the New Testament? In my opinion, Bible events should be viewed as well-established fact. The evidence for the accuracy of Bible history and events cannot be disputed, because history corroborates them.

Here is the question regarding Biblical events – can they be compared to the events in our country today? Are these current events planned by God, or just playing out in mankind’s history – a history which is often repeated?  In either situation, if any good or any understanding can come by comparing old Bible days with the present time in our country, it would be good to review and acknowledge these comparisons.

I will, therefore, dear readers, come to the heart of this whole matter…

There is, in my mind, a very definite comparison between our country and the assault on its founding principles and the words and actions of the old Jewish leaders of Bible times against the teachings and the truths which Jesus Christ, the Son of God, taught when he became an adult on this earth.

Today, after 8 miserable years of President Barack Obama and the Democratic political party… there is a movement afoot to discredit the newly elected president, one Donald J. Trump.

I am equating the old Jewish establishment to the Democratic minority, whipped in the 2016 election, but using every possible means to derail, delegitimize the President, and keep the duly elected leader and his administration from restoring to our country its truth, its pledges, and its greatness.

I am not attempting to equate Donald Trump with Jesus Christ, and I will take on anyone in the debate who proposes this. I am saying that it is his message – finally giving to the working people and to the poor and disadvantaged that which their country’s Constitution promises to  them.

What exactly does our Constitution say is the complete and sole purpose of our central government? Simply this – and I quote from the Constitution: the duties of the Federal Government:

  1. Provide for the common defense.
  2. Promote the general welfare.
  3. And secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.

So, as in the old Bible days, the Jewish leaders (the establishment of the Jewish religion) tried every way they could imagine to discredit and condemn Jesus Christ and his message.

Today we have the Democratic party and its members, losers in the election of 2016, using their same failed, Socialistic methods to discredit and destroy the message of Donald Trump – whose message, if followed, would restore the blessings of peace and safety to a badly treated middle class as well as all other citizens.

In no way am I comparing Donald Trump to Jesus Christ or his person. But there can be no question about Mr.Trump’s message; restore that which the Democratic Socialist Party has taken from the American people.

Let me emphasize some of the content of Mr. Trump’s message to the forgotten voters: restore lost opportunities and compassion, yes and increased safety, and security.  This elected President is making every effort to gain back these lost ideals.

During the eight years of Barack Obama, our former president acted toward the American people as if we were deserving of no better than terrorism and violence demonstrating a true lack of compassion and and concern for the safety of America’s citizens. According to Barack Obama, misplaced compassion toward people of unknown origin and, even more importantly, unknown intentions was more important than the safety of American citizens, especially the elderly and the disabled. Both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama said that closing our southern border was not “who we are as a nation”.  What an utter lie!! Who we are as a nation is certainly the protection of our citizens from harm and danger from the southern border, and from those who would enter our country illegally.

Jesus Christ focused on the obedience of people to God, while the Jewish leaders elevated their own traditions and interpretations and reacted angrily to anyone who would threaten the status quo.

Mr. Trump’s message… To restore the country to one of freedom, opportunity and compassion. This high regard for our own citizens has been met with a fierce opposition from Socialistic anti-Americans, who have tried and are trying to do everything on earth to destroy the American way of life, as outlined by the message of Donald Trump. I hope you readers can see the connection in the comparison – I do!

To further establish the comparison which I have made: the Jewish leaders were angered by anyone who would try who would dare to challenge or to question their authority. And the Socialists of today would do anything (legal or illegal) to stop any person or any message they hate.

The message of Jesus Christ went against the establishment – the Jewish leaders .

The message of Donald Trump goes against the Socialists – the big-government advocates, who have to lie to make their case.

Now the question today is – do we, the people of the USA want those in charge who have an idiotic philosophy, who deal in fantasy, who have dreams of grandeur and who are childish and irresponsible?  Do we want these people to interpret our laws – those who outright lie to us and seize power from the people? Do we want this kind of people to rule over us? Or do we want the principles that this country was founded upon, which are just and fair, to be our guide?

The Socialists (the left) are guilty of treason against our country. They have the right to disagree, of course, but they deny the very principles that have made this country great and would thus subject our citizens to a lower (and by far a less-safe) form of life.

But wait – there is more!

Have not the Jewish leaders throughout history resisted the calls of God, resisted His prophets, resisted His will? In any time period, there have been righteous people who have believed the truth – even though their leaders didn’t believe and didn’t obey God’s call, or heed God’s plan. Were there not many prophets of God through the years whose messages from God were ignored and downgraded? Were there not also some, if not many, political leaders of our nation who were elected, but failed to promote the principles that made our country great?

So, maybe it should not be surprising if there should be a Donald J. Trump, wth a message for the common people, with principles promoted which have slipped away from our grasp in recent decades.

Perhaps Donald Trump was raised up by God, and perhaps not. But how can anyone truly argue with the message he brought and the conclusion (changing American lives for the better) that could be realized if these principles were followed?

Students of government, people of common sense and high ideals – listen up!!

You will not find in the Trump message anything that lessens America from what it was intended to be. We can’t allow Socialist anti-Americans, big government advocates and vile freedom haters to prevail – let us go on with freedom within the law, citizen safety, common sense, opportunity and an unbelievable chance to make America great again.

We dare not allow this chance to slip through our fingers. Down with anti-American views and activities – down with lawlessness, down with governmental lies… and up with protection of citizens, promotion of opportunity, and restoration of common sense. Then let’s wait for the blessings to break through.

Right actions will bring right results!!


Who Will Be Saved and Who Will Be Lost?

Perhaps this isn’t the best title for this writing. But here is the argument concerning the correct interpretation of Scripture:One group of believers declares that God decides before each person is ever born, whether that person will be saved or lost, regardless of any merit on the part of that person. And that this decision of God cannot be changed. This is oftentimes called the hyper-Calvinistic position.
The other group, associated to some degree with Armenianism, declares that the above belief is not correct and cannot be confirmed by Scripture.

Let us look at Bible evidence, as well as other evidence, that indicates that hyper-Calvinism is not correct.
(1) The Free Will of Man
I firmly believe that the Bible strongly bears out that man has Free Will, freedom of choice. I don’t think we need even belabor the Scriptures to establish that. As we look around us, see people, read the paper, or watch TV, it is obvious that people act out Free Will constantly.

Throughout the Bible there is a glaring record of God’s presenting choices to believers and unbelievers alike, and Jews and Gentiles alike, as to their direction and behavior. How can anyone turn his back upon God and His choices without declaring that he, man, is his own guide and savior?

As we look back upon the lives of the Jewish people (the children of Israel), as we ponder the choices of Cain and Abel, from Earth’s first family; as we consider the choice of Adam and Eve in the beautiful garden of Eden, to eat of the forbidden fruit; and as we remember the choices of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Peter, the Apostle Paul, King Saul, King David, and on and on, we know ABSOLUTELY that man, all men, had choices to make – and obedience to God or disobedience to God, was high on the list.

Let us look at Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. God had told them they could not eat of that one tree in the garden, and they did. Now as we look at Cain and Abel, sons of Adam and Eve, both had been instructed to bring an offering to God. You know the story. Abel brought a lamb from the flock and Cain brought some of the fruit of the ground. Cain’s offering was not accepted, and God told him to bring the correct offering, and it would be accepted. Did Cain not know the type of offering that would be accepted? How did Abel know then of the acceptable offering?

What about Abram (later called Abraham)? He had a choice to make: to leave his father and his homeland and follow God, or not?
And many, many more choices for man, different men concerning the life designed by God or another type of life–the Bible is full of them.

There is much fallout if one does not believe in the Free Will of man.
Here is a little bit of the fallout if one does not believe in the Free Will of man.

It seems to me that the entire system of animal sacrifices would be unnecessary because they all pointed to the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ. If each person were already programmed by God to be saved or lost, arbitrarily, and he had no choice in the matter, why have sacrifices? And oh, dear friends, there is more–why should Christ have come to Earth and shed His blood for our sins if no one was to have a choice about Him? Why should He have suffered pain, rejection, and human suffering? That makes no sense.

I have heard it suggested that since no one really had a choice about choosing salvation, that those who agreed with God would go through the motions of receiving Christ anyway. They would automatically do that anyway.
And I could add to this–why should God The Father have sent Christ on a mission that was already settled because there was no free Will for man?
Now it seems obvious to me, that if man has no Free Will, how does God get any glory from a person’s life and choices? He obviously can’t. Neither could a human leader, if everyone were programmed in advance.

(2) God’s Foreknowledge
I would trust that most of us know what foreknowledge is, but in case not, let me explain.
One would expect God to have foreknowledge. After all, He is God, The Creator, who knows all things. Foreknowledge simply means that God knows ahead of time and from the very beginning what will happen and what choices people and countries and entities will make.

It should be a given that our God has foreknowledge. Now how can it be used for His glory? But if man has no Free Will by the hand of God, how can foreknowledge be used for much of anything?

Now, as far as foreknowledge is concerned, God would automatically know who would choose Jesus Christ, (if there were free choice), and by the same token, those who would reject Christ. Therefore, foreknowledge would be of little use to God if He had automatically chosen these for salvation, and those to be lost. If there would be any way to involve foreknowledge in the matter of choosing Christ, pre-selection by God would eliminate any role of foreknowledge.

But since I and many, many more believe in the Free Will of man, and especially in the matter of receiving Christ as Savior and forgiver of sins, foreknowledge would tell God who, in his own Free Will, would choose Jesus Christ and the salvation He offers.

Now, I want to caution all readers. There is nothing in Scripture that specifically states what foreknowledge may be used for, but I will submit to you that it seems apparent to me that God’s foreknowledge would lead Him to select those who would be saved. Yes, those, who, of their own Free Will, will choose Christ as Savior.
This act, if true, would mesh the Free Will of man with God’s foreknowledge perfectly.
And let me further clarify–if man has no Free Will concerning Christ and His free gift of salvation, he really has no Free Will at all!!

(3) God’s Authority
Now let’s be absolutely clear–both sides of this issue of Free Will would have to admit to the authority of God The Father. He is The Absolute Creator and sustainer of all human life.
There are things that can be easily proven and shown from Scripture that deal with God’s authority. And all of these things have to do with the fact that Jesus Christ The son is also God. Because all three persons of God have equal authority, does not mean that they have the same office/work to do.

John 1:1-3 – “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.”
(Jesus Christ is the Word and the worlds were made by and with the authority of Christ.)

John 1:14 – “And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, (and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.”

John 3:16 – “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (God’s purpose for man.)

John 3:18 and John 3:36 both tell us who will be saved (not condemned) and who will be subject to God’s wrath.

John 5:22 – “For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son.”

John 5:26-27 – “For as the Father hath life in Himself; so hath He given to the Son to have life in Himself; and hath given Him authority to execute judgment also, because He is the son of man.”

John 10:30 – (Jesus is speaking) “I and My Father are one.”

Romans 10:9-10 – “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”

(4) God’s Attributes
God The Father has many attributes (things that are true about Him, His powers). We will need to discuss judgment, love, mercy and grace.
God committed to Jesus Christ the judgment of this world and its people (John 5:32).

There could be questions, then, concerning the use of God’s attributes and their interactions, if any. We have seen judgment committed by God The Father to the authority of the Son, Jesus Christ.

We see God’s love found or expressed in John 3:16 and in Romans 5:8, which states, “But God commended (showed, demonstrated) His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”
We understand God’s mercy, which means that God withholds from us the punishment we deserve because of our sin.
We also understand God’s grace, which gives to us what we do not deserve, and have not earned, and cannot earn.
Now the question arises, how, why, and if any of these attributes of God interact or modify judgment, which is the carrying out of God’s justice.
If justice were done, all sinners would die. But God, because of His love, has modified His justice, or tempered His justice with mercy and grace–the result of His love for us.

It seems to be man, or some men, who say that justice is above love and trumps love. But in God’s offer of forgiveness and salvation through Christ, justice is tempered by mercy and grace, to those who believe.
Now love brings to pass God’s mercy and grace – but that love must be obtained through Christ’s offer of forgiveness.
Now another point of order seems to be that salvation must be all about God and nothing about man.
Allow me to explain this by a discussion of God’s gifts to man:

(5) Gifts
We should all realize the many gifts God has given man, whether that man is a believer in Jesus Christ or not. I will deal here only with the free gift of forgiveness and salvation.
Our good believer friends have complicated the situation, those who have difficulty with God’s gift, they say, salvation must be all of God, nothing of man. So far, so good. But they seem to have forgotten what a gift is.

A gift is something given to one person by another, no strings attached. Well and good…but with a gift, there must be a giver and a receiver of that gift. This is where our good hyper-Calvinistic friends run into trouble, as well as in other areas of reasoning. Christ offered and still offers Himself as THE FREE GIFT. Salvation is about Christ, in Christ, and through Christ. But that is where God must stop. Free Will, which cannot be disproven, must be exercised to receive that gift. Technically, a gift is not a gift without a receiver. But God will never force anyone to take what he doesn’t want. So, as viewed by God, here is THE GIFT, even though it may not be received.

So I believe that God has done all He can to offer THE GIFT. Of course, many of this persuasion do not believe that man has a Free Will. But I ask you, or anyone, it seems that God says you have Free Will, or such a marvelous gift would not be offered. There can be no “whosoever” according to those who deny Free Will. But the Scripture offers THE GIFT to “whosoever believeth in Christ Jesus.” (John 3:16)

(6) God’s Glory
God’s glory is a very important subject, which must be considered. According to my dictionary, “glory” is defined as “praise, honor, or distinction, accorded by common consent; renown.”

How is God’s glory promoted or served by a belief system that turns people into robots, programmed to do one thing over and against another? God can receive glory from man only by man’s obedience to God. And since man cannot be fully obedient to God in the flesh (“…for all have sinned….”), he can be obedient to God by choosing Christ, THE GIFT that is offered to all men and women.

There is no proof in Scripture that what God does has no purpose. The purpose of the animal sacrifices was a lesson to Israel (the Jewish people), pointing to Christ at a later time. The purpose of Christ’s coming to Earth was to offer a pathway to God The Father. Jesus Christ said, “…I and My Father are one.” “He who has seen Me has seen the Father.”

Robots–People who are pre-programmed do not choose anything or anyone. The Bible is filled to the brim with choices for man–obedience or disobedience– throughout all of the Scriptures.

The thousands of times in the Bible that choices are in front of people and choices must be made are too numerous to mention. God receives no glory from disobedience or rejection, but from willful obedience to the Word and to His commands.

If God wanted glory to Himself, He did what was required to get it–not from creating the heavens and the Earth alone, but by creating man and woman. Please don’t cloud God’s glory with people who have no choices, people who are unable to choose. The offer to receive Christ as Savior and sin-bearer is a Free Will choice. It has never been otherwise.

-Composed by Bill Figley
Professional Musician, Student of Government
and of Politics, Navy Veteran W.W.II