Importance of Ideology – (Skin Color Has Nothing to Do With it!)

Ideology is a most important part of one’s personal philosophy, both as an individual and as part of a group. Ideology is perhaps the most DEFINING part of a person’s nature or being. And skin color has NOTHING to do with it!

Ideology and Influence

Ideology may be defined as the deeply held belief of any person. This belief is part and parcel of that person during his entire existence. It can include faith, thoughts, ideals, dreams, likes and dislikes, money and influence – yes, everything about that person that they hold on the inside.

What is inside a person must, at some point, be shown on the outside, or many times their true beliefs or intentions are mistaken by others.

Now, let me be very clear – Ideology has nothing to do with skin color! This is a socialistic lie, that should be thrown out even before it is uttered! Let me explain. Each person has a right to deeply held personal beliefs, which can change or be solidified over time by upbringing, current society, absolute truth (such as the Word of God), or other influences. But the wise person should not allow past experience to necessarily alter their ideology.

Ideology has everything to do with your personal, deeply-held beliefs; your ideology reflects the best in you, past experience or training being only a part of the whole.

People of many racial backgrounds and experiences may have pretty much the same ideology and thoughts about life as you do, and their skin color and past experience is only part of their experience to the present time. As a conservative, I would and do relate strongly to a person with a similar ideology as mine, regardless of skin color.

In fact, I am especially thrilled when a black or brown-skinned person agrees with my thoughts on our country, and the individual liberty that our country’s laws provide. It is certainly not skin color, or even background, that puts a person in any certain category or place in life. It is their ideology (personal beliefs)  that I value. Their skin color does not matter – it is not a negative!

I am not like the socialists, who delight in redefining the meaning of well-established words in order to gain political advantage.

Would I vote for a person of color, regardless of color? ABSOLUTELY! If their ideology aligns with my own, and many do, I would support people of color who run for high office. I can think of a number of people of color right now who would rank high on my list for very high office.

No, dear readers, skin color has no relationship whatsoever to personal ideology. And I am by no means the only person declaring this truth from the beginning.

Socialists are great dividers of people and government, for the purpose of creating chaos in people’s thinking.

Please don’t fall for it. We have a country to save, and the “divide and conquer” mentality is trying to drag us in the wrong direction to destruction. We can refuse to go along for the ride!

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